S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts

Aloha my friends. Today, I have the pleasure of sharing with you something that has been in the making for over a decade and is finally ready to be anchored into the soil of this world. This School is very special to me because it is what I wish I had throughout my process of spiritual awakening and integration. Now more than ever, there is a rapid rise in our collective consciousness, a thirst for Knowledge and Wisdom.  I believe many are done playing the games and roles of the Past and desperately ready to claim the responsibility of creating the New.

As the Divine Feminine Awakens around the world, we are asked to anchor, embody, and integrate the Wisdom of Creation. These are the codes we will need to build the new structures, nourish our Collective Heart Field and alchemize the pain bodies that are requiring support. It is time we embody the Sacred Feminine Wisdom that Creates Worlds and that is the role of the Lemurian Rose Priestessâ„¢ . 

Let me start off by saying I am not claiming to have The Answer for you. The point of a Wisdom School is never to give you an answer. It is to hold you in an ancient structure where the answers begin to emerge from within you. This is what I wish I had throughout my process and a large reason I feel so passionate about it. Oversite, or support, in the process of spiritual integration is absolutely necessary and I know that deeply first hand.

It is with great pleasure, humbleness, and absolute Love, that I present to you:

𓆃 The School of Feminine Initiatory Arts 𓆃

The School of Feminine Initiatory Arts ~ S.O.F.I.A. SCHOOL ~ is a practical and embodied approach to walking the path of Divine Feminine Ascension. Now, before you go off and say WHAT!?!? I want to remind you, that Divine Feminine Ascension is an embodied approach to integrating High Spiritual Knowledge and ultimately, reclaiming the fractal of Creator/God /Source that is You.

The S.O.F.I.A. School is a portal to embodied Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

Sophia wisdom

It is an avenue through which you decide to become an initiate of Life & Creation itself. … a path to Walk what may be referred to as ‘The Way’…..being ‘In the world and yet not of it’.

The School is guided by The Lemuria Rose Lineage and is the official home to the Lemuria Rose Priestess Pathâ„¢. We Initiate with 4 archetypes  which are:

ð“‹¹ The Seductress

ð“‚€ The Light Bearer

𓇽 The Magician

𓆃 The Creatrix

As we embody esoteric knowledge via Life’s Initiations, we are asked to step into and out of each archetype. Like a blossoming flower or the layers of an onion, each archetype needs the next and there is no one place to start or finish. It is in the process of blossoming that we engage with the teachings, the School is simply the surface to stand on when you feel like the blossoming is destroying you as opposed to revealing your inherent Truth.

This process eventually activates your inner Creatrix and you begin to live a desire-led life, in charge of the compass that drives you while surrendering to a Life that is God-given.

This School is created for two main reasons:

1. To structure all I have learned in a concise and practical way in order to support your Spiritual Path.

2. To have more Feminine leaders in the world who are ready to CREATE a New Way of Life for future generations, one that is integral and congruent to our Human Heart Consciousness.

The S.O.F.I.A. - School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is a way to structure esoteric knowledge and embodied practices that were passed down to those ready to receive it. Back in the day, schools like this would have been kept a secret. They were considered mystery schools and only available to the wealthy or royal class.

The S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is set up to take you on a journey through the different phases of Sacred Feminine Wisdom Embodiment, aka, Divine Feminine Ascension. This includes topics such as:

Womb Wisdom, Multi-dimensional realities, Quantum Healing, Sacred Sexuality, DNA activation, Magnetics, Creation Principles, Wealth, Magic and more. 

You see, for over 10 years, I felt like I was walking from one room to the next, never understanding the connecting ties and always feeling like there was no ground to stand on. I jumped around with so many teachers, books, courses, inner-journeying and land activations, never really understanding if it all even made sense. Now, looking back, I see it has been the Divine Feminine, leading me into all her different classrooms, showing me that she is not the tiny little frame she has been put into by the masses. In fact, she is Vast. She is Deep. She is permeated within our reality. And unless we are versed in different pathways, we will never be able to have a full holistic relationship and understanding of her.

….it has been the Divine Feminine,

leading me into all her different classrooms, showing me that she is not the tiny little frame she has been put into by the masses.

… she is Vast. She is Deep. She is permeated within our reality. And unless we are versed in different pathways, we will never be able to have a full holistic relationship and understanding of her.

More than information being handed down, these are transmissions that are meant to plant seeds within you, so that in years and decades down the road, they will continue to blossom. I have clients who share with me that only years after having sessions with me did they ever really grasp what I had said. This is very common. A lot of this stuff is not meant to be heady, and that is why it is called Sacred Feminine Wisdom. It is meant to be planted like seeds of consciousness and as you nurture it, it will grow through you.

If I were to just write a book and hand it to you, it would be no good. The embodiment and integration of this Wisdom is what The Rose Lineages passed down through time. It was held within people, not within books. We can try to put words to it the best we can, but as it is shared, you will inevitably witness and experience shifts that arise from within you. You end up being the ultimate teacher and the School is the Lineage or Structure that holds you through it.

The Rose lineage

It is time we embody the Sacred Feminine Wisdom that Creates Worlds.


The Feminine is deeply connected to CREATION and the Lemuria Rose Priestess, the Woman who walks this path of Divine Feminine Ascension within the S.O.F.I.A. School, knows she is fully responsible for the life she is creating.

When we become intimate with Creation, we realize our role in it and devote ourselves to co-creating a reality aligned with our Truth. There is a deep reclamation of your life and your role in it when this activation happens. I have known many women who until they found their Deep Feminine were not able to feel this intimate connection to creation, even after birthing several children or ‘creating’ many businesses.

We have lost our connection to creation and now think manifestation is it. Creation is much deeper and requires an integration of polarities within us.

Divine Feminine Wisdom

We have lost our connection to creation and now think manifestation is it.

Creation is much deeper and requires an integration of polarities within us.

The world as we know it is going through a very deep and necessary rebirth. This is reflective of our individual and collective consciousness and requires us to return to the Basics of Creation. Becoming a conscious Co-creator of our reality is pivotal at this time and it’s a large reason why this School was birthed.


I want to take you back with me to the beginning of my feminine spiritual journey to show you how my connection to The Rose Lineage and Lemuria began so that you get a glimpse of the Initiatory Path I have walked and what is behind this School.

If you have read my book ‘I AM Lemuria’ I mention in there a moment when the Dark Mother came to me. There was a moment of Death before I was given the passage or go ahead into the next evolutionary part of my journey.

This was the moment that the Rose came into my life. The archetypal death I was initiated through was an abortion. Podcast Episode #31 talks about womb loss as an initiatory path if this is something you can relate to.

Since this experience and initiating with The Rose, I have been mentoring, learning, sitting with, and continuously initiating with her. What I mean here is that The Rose, as a Lineage of Feminine Wisdom, began to oversee my life and guide me through the different initiatory paths of the Feminine.

I do not believe the Path of Initiation has an end. In fact, the spiral of the 4 archetypes within the School and the Wisdom that holds it all together continues to evolve for me on a daily basis. I am amazed at how often I return to each archetype, continuously receiving insight, guidance, and bite-size initiations into deeper layers of inner standing.

The Lemurian Rose Priestessâ„¢ Path teaches us to stop looking outside of us for answers. It guides us to take our focus within. To own what we are made of and the world we are currently creating.

Sacred Woman

The Lemurian Rose Priestessâ„¢ Path teaches us to stop looking outside of us for answers. It guides us to take our focus within. To own what we are made of and the world we are currently creating.


In many spiritual circles or feminine paths, there is an extreme approach to what is practiced which often leaves people disembodied, famished, poor, and dysfunctional in society (yes, I’m going there…)

You can often find one of the following:

1. A deep disregard for God & High Spiritual Knowledge as if it has nothing to teach us.

2. A blinded reverence toward God & High Spiritual Knowledge to the point of hypocrisy, disembodiment & distorted spiritual teachings.

What happens is that many spiritual teachings are never really embodied, or, when we are faced with the initiation of these teachings, we don’t actually have the ability to integrate them.

See if you’ve heard some of the following before:

~ Just Surrender and go with the Flow.

~ Higher Frequency is better than lower frequency, so only think positive thoughts.

~ Meditation and yoga increase your vibration, which basically makes you a better person.

~ Your Guides will lead the way so just trust in what they say.

~ XYZ (food, belief, money, habit, etc.) is not spiritual and therefore not good for you.

~ If you don’t need it, let it go. If you need it, detach it and let it go.

~ Detachment is spiritual. Just Let it go.

~ Love from a detached place.

~ Let go of that thing or person. If they’re meant for you, they/it will be back.

~ Love is the answer.

BASICALLY…. Any blank and Open-ended Statement that leaves you hanging on the hands of FATE with no background to sustain it.

The statements above require a pillar of knowledge within you to be embodied. They cannot live as truth in your body or life without you fully understanding them as a part of a whole within a wider concept.

This is dangerous in my point of view and I am witness to what happens when there is no spiritual maturity or containment behind these sayings. And because spirituality is on the rise, we live in a world of much repetition of information and very little wisdom. When words are repeated that sound nice but have no backbone, it is called information, not Wisdom.

When words are repeated that sound nice but have no backbone, it is called information, not Wisdom.


Lastly, I’d like to make a quick distinction between these two simply because our society has been misled by the Feminine Uprising Movement.

Feminine Arts and Feminine Consciousness refer to the energy of creation that moves through life and keeps life alive. It is not affiliated with polarity consciousness or gender. In fact, when we refer to the Feminine Arts, we are referring to the energy that is behind all of creation. This reference inherently holds Sacred Feminine Wisdom at its root.

The feminine gender is clearly what it states - it refers to the gender of a human. There is a distinction between the role of men and women on this path just as there is a distinction between yin & yang energy and that is something to be explored within the school.

Men are often called to explore and interact with Sacred Feminine Arts and Sacred Feminine Wisdom. It is a known fact that Ascended Masters of the past like Yeshua and Buddha were not only funded by women but also studied and were initiated in Sacred Feminine Arts by them.

To anyone who is aware of Ascension Lineages or Divine Feminine Ascension, this is common knowledge. It only makes sense that at some point in your conscious evolution, you be asked to become intimate with the energy of Creation. Although the womb is the portal that brings you closest to this metaphysical encounter, in the moment of the encounter, gender fades away and you are left with Creation energy, which in essence is Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

Lemuria Rose Priestess

It is a known fact that Ascended Masters of the past like Yeshua and Buddha were not only funded by women but studied and were initiated in Sacred Feminine Arts by them.


So, with all of this being said, I am happy to announce that the first round of S.O.F.I.A.’s Curriculum is now OPEN! We are beginning 2024 with one of the original courses that was previously known as the Womban Wisdom Mentorship. I have bundled this Mentorship with a variety of other modules to give you the most comprehensive Introduction to the Rose Lineage and the Feminine Arts of Womb & Heart Wisdom leading us into the Initiation of Feminine Power!

We are kicking off the New Year with SEDUCTRESS ENROLLMENT! The webinar is now up so you can fully dive into this archetype and explore what she is here to offer you.

Feminine Spiritual school

Also, I have created a wonderful Quiz that will lead you through understanding which Feminine Archetype is right for you. TAKE THE QUIZ today and get started on your Feminine Ascension Journey.


Even if you’ve taken it before, I suggest you redo it. First, because we’ve spent HOURS on recreating it but also because on this Spiraling Feminine Path, your Body Wisdom will continuously ask something New of You. So you may not be the same Archetype you originally landed on.

Once you take the Quiz, take a screenshot of your Archetype and make sure to tag me on Instagram @celestegluz1111 & @lemuria.rose.temple.

I can’t wait to celebrate each of your Archetypes and begin to answer any questions you may have!!

Sending you many New Year’s Blessings!

May you Create a Life bigger than your wildest Creative Imagination.

If you have enjoyed this blog and find it useful, please share it with others! It helps me spread this knowledge and support more people which I love to do!


Feminine Power in Body Wisdom - The Seductress Path


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