Lemurian Rose

Quantum Energy Healing©

quantum energy healing NYC


Lemurian Rose Healing was created by merging multiple healing modalities, akashic memories related to healing with energy, sound and vibration and information received from my soul connection to Lemuria and the Divine Feminine.


Quantum healing is a vibrational energy balancing and realignment modality that allows us to identify and restructure energetic imbalances in all systems, physical and non-physical, that are the cause of conflicting behaviors, relationships, negative thinking, and the attracting force for specific life templates that match those imbalances or dis-eases.

Quantum also means we are working with past, present, and future timelines along with the multi-dimensional aspect of our persona.

An ‘imbalance’, energetically speaking, is anything that blocks us from being our True Self or Divine persona. All false identities, belief systems, generational patterns and mental patterns that are crystallized in our body, cells and mind (perception) are an imbalance and obstruct our energy field from creating the life that aligns us to our Highest Destiny.

“Celeste has helped me see through a deeper perspective on many things in life: relationship to Self, to people I love, to my spiritual essence, to astrology, to my inner cycles, to my Divine Feminine, etc. Each discovery took months, some even years, to unfold. What seemed like simple conversations with her in the moment continued to reveal themselves years later as I grasped the deeper wisdom she shared during our time together. Some knowledge she shared took years of practice to integrate as a part of my life. Nevertheless, the precious lessons immediately changed my life for good. They gave my life a new perspective, made me holistically healthier and gave me more meaning. She helped me discover many new things about myself and my life but what’s even more impressive is that the discovery continues to this day.” ~ Juliette, 32, mother of 3

A few words on Healing:

Our modern-day world is made so that our routines and habits take us out of Balance or Divine Harmony.

This is not the Issue. We are built to go in and out of balance.

The issue is our inability to return to Balance/Divine Harmony. We have forgotten how.

Eastern philosophies praise the concept of Balance/Divine Harmony and they are Wise to do so.

Divine Harmony is an active state of Vitality, where we are anchored in the Middle Way and know how to wobble back and forth, always Returning.

Always training our Body, Mind and spirit to return to Center .

When relating to energy, being out of balance in the mind or spirit can trickle down to the body and cause inflammation/acidity.

If the body is in Dis-Harmony it is likely that this was caused by an imbalance in the mind or spirit a long time ago.

If we continue that imbalance (emotional, physical or otherwise) long enough, it will eventually settle as stagnation in the body and be considered a Dis-ease (a lack of flow within the energy structure).

My intention for your healing session is to Tune in and receive clarity on how to realign your body back to Divine Harmony.

Lemurian Rose Quantum Energy Healing NYC

Lemurian Rose Quantum Energy Healing

Combining the Ancient Wisdom of Energetic ‘Re-patterning’, with Sound Healing and the Sacred Feminine Wisdom of Love, this is a Quantum Energy Healing Session that realigns your Energy centers, activates dormant DNA and unblocks patterns & frequencies that may be holding you back from further merging with your Higher Self, I AM Presence. This session helps activate your Original Soul Blueprint and can bring clarity on current blockages or situations in your life.

This session may support work with:

  • clarity on your current path (mind & spirit)

  • releasing physical stagnation, aches or pains

  • reducing inflammation

  • increasing immune system strength

  • opening your connection to spirit

  • detoxifying your cells and organs

  • reversing unwanted patterns, anxiety, stress

  • activating your Divine gifts

  • realigning to higher timelines

  • heal multiple generations (past, present, future)

  • your Heart in all dimensions (belief systems, love, relationships, brain-heart connection, alignment to Soul)

Lemurian Rose Quantum Energy Healing supports:

  • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

  • Nervous System recalibration

  • DNA Activation

  • Reconnecting you to your Spirit

  • Spiritual support/guidance on your path

  • Physical ailments or imbalances

  • Balancing energy centers or body energy flow 

  • Releasing blockages or belief systems that no longer serve

  • Activating your Highest Timelines

Relationship | Couples Quantum Healing

Holding the intention of Anchoring Sacred Feminine Feminine Wisdom via the alchemical process that is Sacred Union, I tap into what each person individually and collectively is holding for the partnership. The intention of Divine Love & Sacred Alchemy is held, meaning, the point of focus is generally the Heart, the Sacral, the Throat the Solar Plexus, and any cellular templates that may not be supporting the whole.

This session is a good option to receive clarity and guidance if:

~ you feel like you’ve hit a bump or a wall in your relationship

~ like you are on a fast-track of evolution and would like to make things a bit more smooth

~ would like some confidence or confirmation of where the relationship is

~ can use guidance on how to better communicate, interact, or deal with issues

~ notice a consistent block coming up and needs energetic/quantum support

~ are feeling like outside factors are affecting the relationship

~ would like to strengthen the container of Love and/or Intimacy

~ are ready to take your relationship to the next level of Depth

This session is done with both people present and completed with conversation.

Type: Available for 2 people | couples

Session form: In-person

Prep: Please expect 1 hour together. Arrive on a light stomach and open heart. No dairy, animal meat or alcohol 24 - 48 hours before.

Lemurian Rose Long-distance Quantum Healing

Same effects as in-person - done via long-distance.


We will have an initial conversation to understand the intention and current situation. We will then schedule a time when you can receive the session.

PHONE / SKYPE IS NOT USED. These devices create unnecessary disturbances to the energy field. It is recommended you turn OFF all wifi, distractions, and technology during the time of your session. It is highly recommended you book to receive this session PRIOR to going to bed. While you sleep, the mind is OFF and can receive the healing at a deeper level.

Type: Available for individuals, and Womb-healing sessions.

Session form: long-distance.

Prep: Please schedule 30 min. - 1 hour of deep, undisturbed rest for this long-distance session. Receive in privacy, on a light stomach, with blindfold and an open heart. No dairy or alcohol 24-48 hours before.

“Thank you for such a powerful session. I do not know why I cried today. I didn’t feel sad. It felt like a release. I feel lighter like I let go of something deep inside I didn’t know was there. I felt your warmth, strength, and power throughout.

I am speechless.”