Sacred Feminine Wisdom

Sophia - The Lemurian Rose Lineage

Sacred Feminine Wisdom allows Healing, Alignment and Reclaiming of your True Essence

What is Sacred Feminine Wisdom and why is it so important that we become intimate with this topic at this time?

Sacred Feminine Wisdom lies at the Heart of the SOFIA School. It is the thing behind Creation that weaves Divine Intelligence and Consciousness into one stream of light. It is not creation itself.

It is the thing behind Creation.

Before the baby comes into a form, there is a thought or seed. Before you decided to read this blog, there was a pull leading you here. Before this Now, there is an ETERNAL Now happening.

This Eternal thing is what I call Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

There are no words for it. It has nothing to do with male or female. It is the closest thing to what we may call God/Source/Consciousness. It is the thing that gives Trees life, makes your heart beat makes you cry, sing, laugh and be.

We, as a human collective, have forgotten this thing exists. This Sacred Feminine Wisdom, because it cannot be touched, sold, or exchanged for resources, it has lost its place in this world.

But there was once a time when this Eternal Thing, this Wisdom, this Sacred Feminine Essence, was the center of all civilizations.

From the times of Lemuria and Atlantis to the civilizations of Sumeria & Egypt, to the Mayans and Buddhists, to the Rose Lineage and Esseanic traditions, they have all held Sacred The Feminine Wisdom of Life at the core of their teachings.

In a world that is crumbling, we Return to the Center and what lies behind all Creation. We must return & reclaim the Sacred Feminine Wisdom within our Hearts and wombs. From this place of reclaimed Wisdom, we will have the eyes to see a new future and the fortitude it takes to build it.

SOFIA online Membership

The online membership for Mu Rose Temple has been getting a bit of a revamp in the last few months. Ever since announcing the Launch of the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts, (S.O.F.I.A.), I have been sitting with how this platform can better serve women who are ready to show up for themselves in a Deeply Profound Way.

This membership is for Women who are ready to take the dive into their Sacred Feminine and Explore what lives in their bodies so they can take full responsibility for how their lives are a direct reflection of the templates and the Wisdom that their bodies carry.

Here’s the thing: When we choose to walk the Path of the Feminine, and truly Reclaim all we are made of and are here to Be, it takes Courage. It takes Strength. It takes Vulnerability. It takes Intimacy.

It takes a willingness to break down all that you know in order to Reclaim all that you Are.

The more I work with women, the more I notice 2 things that really stick out:

-   #1 We are all really seeking the same thing ~ DEEP LOVE  - which comes from the ability to Drop in to our Bodies in complete safety ~ and DEEP NOURISHMENT from the Life we live – (more on this coming).


-       #2 The disconnection between strengthening our physical bodies and strengthening our spiritual faculties.


The intention behind the S.O.F.I.A. Membership is to create a sacred space for you to drop into every month to return to the Wisdom of your body and allow the connection between your body and your physical reality to strengthen.

As we close the gap between our bodies and our lives, we begin to nurture and strengthen our magnetic field and ability to magnetize our deepest sense of Love and Nourishment because we Become One with the thing. We merge with Sacred Feminine Wisdom.


The S.O.F.I.A. Membership is a place you can Drop into and take a deep breath. Take a sigh of relief from the world and step into the World that is YOU.

Allowing our nervous system and our physical realities to take a break, we open the door for the Wisdom of the Feminine to guide us, teach us, and move us forward.

Sacred Feminine Wisdom

Allow your nervous system and your physical reality to take a break so that your Feminine has a space to B E and experience her TRUE Essence.


What to expect in with SOFIA online Membership

I'm combining my three favorite modalities which include:

 movement | sound healing | visualization

 But this time it's different.

We're not going to be working out together (although there will be some workouts here and there). Our movement practice is going to shift and we're taking a journey within our bodies.

 This is a practice that I have been doing for many, many years, since the beginning of my spiritual awakening. It is a practice that came to me over a decade ago without any explanation or without any understanding of what was happening.

 I was guided to go into very deep states of meditation with sound frequencies and journey for hours and hours and hours on end.

By listening to sound with blindfolds on, I began to journey to different places. Some places included past soul lifetimes, different spaces in the universe, and different timelines within the quantum. Other times I was journeying into the human collective experience. I was guided to go deep within my body, down into my womb (at the time I thought it was just my belly) and I would access deep places of human experience, emotional pain, bliss, grief, hope, etc.


I was asked to sit with these emotions time after time, month by month, year by year, each time feeling like it would never end. I didn't quite understand why it was happening all I knew was that I couldn't get out. I was guided to be in these spaces for hours on end. To feel my body and feel the imprints of these memories living within my human form.


Today I realize these experiences, although they were not mine, were living inside me. I was, under the guidance of Sound, the power of Visualization, and the power of Darkness (which in essence is the Feminine in form) experiencing all I would have to alchemize in the years to come.

Rose Lineage


When we create a sacred space and time to take a journey within our bodies, we can learn so much about why we are living what we are living.


We have the ability to change our reality if we are carried and guided by the Wisdom behind Creation. By the Wisdom that dictates how reality is morphed.

We have the ability to change our reality…

 Being within spiritual communities for many years, one of the things that I have noticed is a strong focus on what is outside of the body and a lack of awareness of what lives inside the body.

 As much love and light we would like to meditate on and share with others, the truth of the matter is the following; this world and this reality will only ever be a reflection of what lives inside of our bodies.


This world and this reality will only ever be a reflection of what lives inside of our bodies.

 If we want to experience love and light, the only way to do that is to become the love and light.

Sacred Feminine Wisdom

If we want to experience love and light, the only way to do that is to become the Love and Light.

We must journey within our bodies. We must learn what lives inside of us. And we must never ‘try’ to be positive or emit love and light.

This is Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

Full acceptance of what the world is showing us while simultaneously showing up to our Bodies and asking how we are a reflection of that thing.

We must only BE what we ARE and explore from there. In that simplicity, you will learn and witness all you need to know about your True Self. The Wisdom of the Feminine will show you the rest.

 We must only BE what we ARE.

Divine feminine

In that simplicity, you will learn and witness all you need to know about your True Self. 

We must not assume that we are already only love and light. I was shown for many years that what I hold in my body is not only mine but that of the human collective.

 Of many human generations way beyond my own bloodline.

And also of many star lineages way beyond this human experience.

 We are an entire universe in form. This comes with great responsibility and a sacred duty to explore, embody and journey with all that is inside us. The Sacred Feminine knows her Responsibility in Creation and asks that you walk with her to become that too.

So with all the love of my heart and the lineages that walk with me…

 I invite you to the S.O.F.I.A. membership,

a Sacred Temple Space online, where we get to journey with our Sacred Feminine. Where we get to figure out what lives inside us, so that we may do the Great Alchemical Work of this time, and rebirth this reality, from the inside – Out. So we may merge with the Wisdom of Creation as become intimate with what lives inside and outside us.

 We will tap into a different focus each month and work with that focus in order to embody new levels of light Wisdom, Magic, Power and Love, which are the 4 Archetypal Qualities of the SOFIA school

You can expect to find each month:

 -       1 Intuitive Guidance Audio

-       1 Sound Healing & Meditation Journey

-       1 Ceremony which will include a Sacred Feminine Flow Practice  (Read more about this Flow Practice here)


As we continue journeying together through the most transformational time of our lives, we must develop skills to merge with Sacred Feminine Wisdom, that which has been here way before us and will continue to be here way after.

The S.O.F.I.A. membership is an invitation to create the space in your life for the development of these skills and these practices. To re-energize your body, awaken your feminine, rewrite your cellular templates, envision a new life for yourself, and witness a rebirth from the inside out.

 This is the way of Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

Join me today and enjoy your first 3 days for free.

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Sacred Feminine Flow


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