Facing Fears and Shadows in Halloween | Samhain Season

I have been working with quantum energy healing more often lately. I think this eclipse season has created waves of change that our minds couldn’t fully follow all the way through. Beyond the collective upheaval, there is much internal upheaval as well. And we are just as responsible for ourselves as we are for the collective.

So quantum energy healing sessions have been on the rise, with clients seeking support, guidance, healing, and solace. Some sort of guiding light or confirmation that it’s going to be okay.

And that is the truth. It is going to be okay. But we will have to go through some cracks and face some ugliness before we are on the OK side.

I was speaking with a client recently about facing fears. She was explaining to me how she doesn’t even want to go there because with. Who does?!

And I get that. Let’s not swim in our shadow unnecessarily, especially if we don’t have the time or bandwidth for it.

But I shared,

What if you gave those fears a voice? What if you gave them a place to live?

You see, unspoken or unseen fears are still alive. Call them what you want to call them; they are thought forms with consciousness. And they must be living somewhere if they are alive in your awareness, even if just in the subtleties of your daily experience.

So guess what? Guess where they live?

They live inside your body.


Your body is the carrier of all thought forms. Every single one of them.

Happy? That lives somewhere in your body.

Sad? That lives somewhere too.

Ecstatic? That has a place.

Fear? Yup. You’re just as worthy as the rest. You deserve a space in the body too.

This is where we must tie the link between "I don’t want to think about it because I don’t want to be a negative Nancy’ and "What if I gave them the space to live and breathe, but I directed them outside of my body?

See, here’s the thing.

Every emotion has a frequency. Every frequency holds a pattern. Those patterns live in our bodies. When we have enough of one pattern or another, we create a template. That template will determine the physical expression of that frequency.

Maybe that template is overall sadness. Maybe it’s overall positivity. Maybe it’s fear.

And that emotional state, if kept for long enough, will start to create a warm little cozy corner in your body. It will find a home, set up camp, and make itself known.

So now, every time you feel sad, your shoulders drop, and your heart feels heavy. Every time you feel positive, your spine elongates and your hairs spike up. Every time you feel fear, your body contracts, and your belly closes.

Quantum Energy Healing NYC

Every expression LIVES inside you. And if you don’t allow that expression to be seen or heard, that expression will begin to gain strength and power over you.

This is why, instead of repressing our fears, we need to give them space to live. We need to see them, write them down, and direct them elsewhere. We need to bring consciousness to them so that their consciousness does not overtake us.

Sacred Feminine Wisdom

So, I hope that at this time you can create some ritual, some journaling, and some kind of space for your fears to come out of your body and be witnessed before you.

The Feminine loves a space where she can flow through and make herself seen. When we carve out time and space to interact with the Sacred Feminine Wisdom of life, she will speak to us. And fears are no less Feminine Wisdom than any other emotion.

So that then, will be the first step in creating space in your body for new templates to live in. For a new consciousnesses to take place.

Remember, you cannot write new templates on top of old ones. That is why affirmations don’t work. You can’t just say that I now embrace XYZ without having ever actually faced XYZ.

Does that make sense?

So, now that the veils are thin and we are in the Halloween, and Samhain, seasons, Take some time with your shadows. Give them a break. They are not as bad as they seem. And quietly, they are here to teach us so much about ourselves and about our lives.

Divine feminine

Perhaps behind your shadows and fears, you will find beautiful diamond light, waiting to embrace the space the old templates were sitting in.

If you are dealing with some fears or body ailments that feel pretty heavy, overwhelming, or simply too much to handle, give yourself some grace. Be gentle and kind, and seek the proper guidance and support system.

If you would like support or guidance via quantum energy healing, don’t hesitate. Sometimes we need a little Umpf to light up our spirit with the courage and strength it requires for these kinds of moments.

Remember, you are not meant to do it alone. Our awakening and activation process is meant to bring us together and remind us of how much we actually need each other.

Sending you many rose blessings.

Book your quantum energy healing session here.


Sacred Feminine Wisdom


Eclipse Season Insights