Sound Healing

NYC sound Healing

“The future of medicine is Sound.”
- Edgar Cayce

Sound Healing came to me upon my spiritual awakening. I suddenly became highly sensitive to all noise and was unable to listen to the radio, television and even certain voices for a couple of years.

During that time, I was gifted my first sound bowl by a friend who somehow intuited I would one day work with Sound professionally.

Upon playing that bowl, everything changed. I felt like I entered another dimension. A dimension of Truth, of Heart, of Absolute Universal Love.

I now know that Sound is an avenue to experience other dimensions and I actively use energy-healing skills in sound sessions to support clients in accessing the unbelievable states of relaxation, regeneration and Universal Love that Sound has to offer.

“Sound is the gateway to other dimensions. I live this daily and my intention is to bring this to you ”
- Celeste Gluz

Sound is the Original Language of the Universe. If you want to return to Balance, return to Sound. Everything starts there. Ancient cultures all over the world knew this and still use sound as a form of healing and connecting to spirit.

Work with Celeste

Private Sound Baths

single to large groups

Sacred Sound & Plant Ceremony

Intake and phone interview required.

Sound & Energy Healing

Include energy healing in your sound bath experience. Proper preparation is required.

If you need immediate support, please email me at

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

- Nikola Tesla