Women’s Hawai’i Equinox Retreat


September 16th - 20th 2024



Hawaii women's retreat 2024


I was drawn to Hawai’i via meditation for years before living there. I always knew my Soul had a special connection to the land and I had to commune with her to understand it.

Since living in Hawai’i, my oracular gifts have been activated and grounded, my outlook on life has shifted profoundly and my relationship to Spirit has been crystal clear.

Hawai’i holds a special key for each of us. It is a Sacred Portal of Ancient Knowledge, a major chakra of the earth and a vortex node for multi-dimensional experiences. It is a place where we go to connect, remember and explore our Spiritual essence.

Hawai’i has a way of showing you things. Through her synchronistic Magic, as soon as you book your flight, things will begin to shift in your life. Somehow, this land has collapsed time and space with me every time, opening my heart to new understandings, revealing to me what I could not see and reminding me of who I really am.

Every time I am in Hawai’i, there is a deep shift and activation at a Soul level and I desire for you to experience this too.

If you feel a resonance with Hawai’i, the ancient land of Mu/Lemuria and are called to the Feminine Path of Embodied Wisdom, where we connect with the land, the water and the spiritual aspect of our life, this retreat is for you.

Equinox is a Portal. When we Slow Down, Prepare, Connect & Listen,

M A G I C happens.

Hawaii women's retreat 2024

An opportunity to detox, remember Ancient Wisdom and charge your Spirit in a vortex site.

Hawaii women's retreat sept 2024
Hawaii women's retreat sept 2024

The Equinox is an incredibly potent time, when thoughts, intentions and consciousness is amplified. We prepare our bodies to ride the Wave of Energy & Integrate a new level of Magic into our Life.

Hawaii women's retreat sept 2024

What to Expect:

Daily Pilates Fusion or Yoga classes

Catered Plant-based Meals

Women’s Circles

Feminine Embodiment & Spiritual Integration Workshops

Sacred Site Visits

Sound & Energy Healing

Beautiful Beaches & Hikes

Equinox Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Fun shopping & Historical town visit


Hawai’i-style living is simple and connected to the Earth. We have a very special property with outdoor showers, eco bathrooms and a shared kitchen space.

There are no private bedrooms available. Rooms are first-come, first-serve.

Expect to share living space (bathrooms and kitchen) while staying in a large property amidst the mountains with a stream running through it.

Glamping is available.

Catered, hearty and plant-based meals will be provided throughout (not just salads and fruits. We have a top-notch chef working with us!)

spiritual hawaii womens retreat
hawaii women's spiritual retreat


One of my favorite things to experience on this land is outdoor baths under the Starry sky and sitting by the stream that runs through it. (that’s 2..I know)

best hawaii womens retreat
spiritual hawaii womens retreat

Meet your Facilitators

  • Celeste Gluz

    Oracle, Healer, Movement Mauve

  • Nea Gluz

    Mental Health Practitioner, Shamanic Healer

Client’s Testimonials

  • "I was surprised when my daughter gifted me a gift certificate to the Saturday Retreat for my 66th Birthday! I didn't really know what to expect, but I was definitely excited to participate. I'm already loving the Barre classes at the Temple. So beneficial. I don't really know how to express in words, the incredible and awesome experience at the retreat.

    I feel we all entered a most extraordinary personal journey of sight, sound, and energy. Each of us had our own special personal experience. We shared our lives with each other in a powerful yet tranquil space for 7 hours and by the end we were renewed, safe and stronger.

    Today I feel more complete and purposeful. So lovely. I recommend these retreats to everyone looking for a growthful, authentic and meaningful gathering for feminine empowerment"

    - Avril, 66

  • “The women’s womb wisdom retreat is a soul-filled day to come together, connect with oneself, and share in community. Regardless of where you are on your journey -chronologically and energetically - the space that Celeste and Nea create and hold is transformational.

    The format and flow of the day kept me engaged and present with my body, breath, and energy, leading me to feel more intimately connected to what my field needs at this time. From the sacred cacao and intention setting to the sound and movement sessions (vocal toning, guided dance and breath work, and sound bath), it all worked in concert to engage the whole body and spirit. The depth of safety and support felt being in this group of women was powerful and I felt that while I was going through my own internal processing and releasing, I was both supported by and supporting those around me. I especially appreciated the opportunity to share and integrate my experience via writing and speaking in the women’s circle.

    As we all move through the challenges of our lives and the present reality, experiences like this retreat and spaces like Lemuria Rose Temple become more and more essential to providing the chance to connect, release, heal, and flourish - as individuals and as communities. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this community and cannot recommend this retreat more! “🌹✨

    ❤️ - Claire Ryan, 32

  • The Awaken your Feminine retreat was exactly what my soul needed! A beautiful day with an exceptional community of women eager to explore, dive deep and integrate.

    We laughed, we danced, we cried, we created, we drank sacred cacao and most importantly we were seen and held by each other. There’s no other community like this and I’m so grateful to have found my place at MuBarre & Temple. 🌹

    - Rene Conolly , 45

  • The Awakening your Feminine Retreat allowed me to feel deeper into the feminine wisdom in and around me. I felt completely supported to feel into my body's wisdom.

    I experienced so much during this day, but the absolute highlight was being in Sacred Space with other women who were also allowing themselves to be vulnerable, take up space and hold space.

    I’m so grateful women are gathering like this again. There's great power in women joining together to dive deep into oneself. We don't have to do this alone and nor should we. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    - Jennifer Waldeck, 35

  • “The retreat was just the experience I needed. My intention for the day was to honor and know the divine feminine power within. Through the ceremonial experiences of scared cacao, dance, womb toning and conversations in circle I was able to tune into my womb and connect with my heart in a new way!

    I am so grateful for this experience and highly recommend it for other women who want to deepen their connection to themselves and connect to their Feminine radiance and power.”

    - Esther Patterson , 30

  • Sometimes when we are individually searching for answers with no solution it is because we simply cannot find the answer alone. I often find that when things are not changing despite our best individual efforts and intentions, it is a sign to reach out for help.

    In the context of healing deep emotional wounds, it becomes extremely complex because the emotional trauma starts to manifest in the physical body and then we are ultra weighed down by these heavy matters and energies.

    What Celeste and Nea offer through the Feminine Retreat, is a beautiful nest to be held and supported while coming into contact with what we may not be able to feel into by ourselves.

    Guidance and pure Love are necessary and I am so blessed to receive that from these women. The healing modalities offered by Celeste and Nea (Nadia too) are truly efficacious and I have never experienced anything like it. During the Retreat with the help of the circle of women, I was able to finally contact and release energy I was not able to tap into on my own. I was liberated with the help of these women. My energetic body has never felt this open.

    - Bianca Connatser, 23

  • I had an incredible experience at the women’s retreat and can’t recommend it enough. I purged emotional wounds that I thought I’d healed and others that I didn’t know were there. The combination of so many modalities — energy healing, breathwork, sound healing, dance, art, sharing circles — provided such a thorough and holistic approach to reaching deep within.

    I felt held and in community. It was a truly amazing journey and I would return in a heartbeat.

    ~ Dr. Lenore Matthew, Ph.D, 38

  • Thank you Celeste for holding this space so beautifully, for sharing the magic of the divine feminine, the breath, the dance, the sisterhood, the power of creation, the voices, for helping us to find our voices, to find freedom through movement.

    After this experience I feel that I am reclaiming the wisdom of my body, I feel so empowered by the magic of my womb's creation, I feel more confident to express myself, I feel less afraid to face my emotions and talk about my needs. It was like a few hours on a roller coaster of emotions, but now I feel much calmer and at peace with myself. I’m convinced that Women gathering together and healing together is exactly what the world needs ❤️

    -Teresa Norton, 32 years old

Q & A

  • My intention for  this retreat is to support you in returning to Land & Body Wisdom which profoundly shifts the way we think, feel and commune with our life.

    When we do this the week before the Equinox, we create space for Magic to enter our lives.

  • Catered meals throughout, transportation around the island, your stay, and a Sacred Cacao Ceremony.

  • Airfare, transportation to and from the airport, and occasional meals when we are out exploring or hiking.

    Self-care massages, acupuncture or other services are not included but will be made available by appointment.

  • Any woman who feels a call to connect with the Magic and Beauty of her Feminine and the Sacred Land of Hawai’i.

    The Woman who is ready for more connection. More Love. More Feminine Magic in her life.

  • You will be sent a Welcome packet with all necessary details. Expect beach time, hikes, shopping and lots of outdoor time in perfect weather!

  • Our retreat begins Monday Morning.

    Please arrive on Sunday and consider the time zone difference to accommodate for a day of rest.

  • Oahu, Hawai’i. Daniel K. Inouye International Airport

  • Yes. Check with your credit cards and your employer as they often offer travel insurance. If you need to purchase travel insurance, we recommend www.tripinsurance.com.

    Medical Travel insurance https://www.insubuy.com/safe-travels-usa-cost-saver-insurance/?aid=google&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=stsaver3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInoG7rNDu-gIVhA99Ch0UrgJREAAYASAAEgJluPD_BwE

  • Please see the cancellation policy Here.

    Due to the nature of a small and intimate group setting, there are no refunds. 🌹

  • Please email celestegluz1111@gmail.com

First Payment serves as your Deposit and confirmation that you have read and agreed to the Cancellation policy.