Eclipse Season Insights

Who else just realized we have a little over 2 months of 2023 left?

And who else is looking around them wondering – what else is about to pop off?

Eclipse season transformation  - the rose lineage

This year alone has been a massive turning point for me and Mu Rose Temple. We were guided to move back to the North East and since arriving, I have been asked to Settle. To slow down. To prepare my body and nervous system for a New Way of Being and Creating.


Even though we see chaos and transformation around the world, within me I feel as if I am being trained to hold something new. To not let the mind and fear take over. Instead, to be the lantern. To hold the flickering flame of Possibility.


Those of you reading this right now can probably sense something similar. Although there is chaos, there is Divine Orchestration behind it all.


the rose lineage initiation

I remember 2 turning points in my life that dropped me to my knees, in Surrender, which marked the kind of stillness in chaos I am feeling:


1.     When I had an abortion, I gave up: on life, on myself, on my relationship. Nothing mattered. It was in that cracking of my Field of Awareness that the Divine Feminine entered. I wrote I AM Lemuria and shared my deepest soul connection to Hawai’I and it’s ancient history. The Divine Feminine took me by the wings of Grace and held me through it all. She supported my rebirth and held me through a rebuilding of every single cell of my body.


2.     When I landed on Hawai’I without rhyme or reason. I had been connecting and meditating with that land for over 5 years. I probably spent more time with her in meditation than I did in the life I was living through my physical body. Yet, upon arriving, I had no direction. I had no map. I didn’t know why I was there. From that surrender came a deep flame of birthing my wildest dream, Mu Rose Temple in Kailua, Oahu.


Now, I stand before you, in the same circumstance. Holding and anchoring into stillness with no clear map other than the connection and guidance of Divine Interference that has led me each step of the way.


We have been guided to move back to the North East. The vision was clear but the map was not given (Is it ever?). SOFIA school has been birthed and I have been planting seeds of rebirth once again in my entire body and life. Planting. Listening. Holding. Knowing.


As the world gets louder, I am asked to become more silent. Pull back in all that I do. Reserve my energy. Redirect my focus. Often looked at as failure or giving up, when we pull our energy back, it’s because it’s time to Redefine.


Redefine who we are. What we’re doing. And where we are going.

This culture does not create space for the redefinition of our lives.

But I do. I must. You must.


If there is no returning, there is no movement forward.

We cannot move forward without taking steps back to reconsider, to take inventory, to witness, to learn, to observe.


If you watch people, circumstances, events, behaviors for long enough, you will notice a new wave of consciousness unfold before you – one that does not require the mind nor judgement. One that simply is aware without biased thought and is able to take a measured approach toward what is most needed in the moment.


In the Sacred Mystery Schools, you could not anchor true light out in the world. You had to go within. This is why they were called Mystery Schools. The real work had to happen within you. Behind closed doors. Pulling away from the chaos. Within quiet containers held in Trust and Wisdom.


As I watch the world move into war, people become afraid of their own bodies, women forget the Love they are made of, sisters forgetting they are here to support each other in Remembering and Rising, I ask:


What is my role in this? What is my mission?


This year, I have pulled back. Not because I wanted to. But because I had to. Because I became so lost, overwhelmed and empty from over-giving in my business, that I forgot who I was and why I was here at this time.


I have been asked to recommit.

To find a new meaning.

To anchor into the unseen once again and trust that something miraculous will occur.


And indeed it has.


Watch, for the greatest Magic and Creation to be released.

Witness what happens when we decide to go within and redefine who we are and why we are here.


Transformation speaks in quietude. In stillness. In listening.

So now I ask you in the midst of this beautiful, transformative and incredibly powerful Eclipse season: 

What is calling to be listened to in your life?

Where do you not hold a Map and are asked to turn to the Divine for Guidance and Trust?

Where are you being called to turn toward the Mystery School tradition of seeking containers or spaces of deep Trust & Wisdom, so that something new may be birthed through you?


Trust that all is in Divine Order. And you are just as much a part of it as everyone or everything else is. You are no better or less than the person next to you, the news anchor on tv or the military sergeants taking orders.


What action, change or challenge are you being asked to anchor? What will make you create the change you so desperately desire?


And where are you holding back for the simple reason of simply not wanting to step into uncharted territory?


Facing Fears and Shadows in Halloween | Samhain Season


Eclipse Season & Soul Activation