Eclipse Season & Soul Activation

🌹 Hello my love🌹

Today I am sharing some Eclipse Season Insights. Hope they land and support as they have for me lately. 

Last night, the Eclipse Portal opened for me. I say for me because we all feel it differently and I have a very unique relationship with Portal Energy.

Portal energy is what started my awakening process over 10 years ago. I had no idea what that meant or what was happening. All I knew was that my reality was flipped upside down from one day to the next and I became quiet ungrounded for many years until it all started coming together for me. 

You can listen to a podcast episode on a Personal Experience with Portal energy here. 

If you are new to Portals & Eclipses, they are basically highly-charged super highways that align the Stars, the Earth and our Bodies. Because we are ONE with the Universe, when these Alignments happen, there can be many sudden shifts to our immediate physical experience.

What can happen during this time?

~~~ sudden shifts to our immediate physical experience.
If you're a sensitive or empath, your Body can feel it first.

Things like:
- sudden thirst (craving high-quality water or juices)
- changes in diet or craving very specific foods
- extreme fatigue/or high energy swings
- sleeping cycles thrown off (more or less sleep required)
- nervous system startled or frazzled
- heightened sensitivity (even more than usual if you already are sensitive)
- heightened intuition/visions 
- change in Dream time
- change in the way you show up to your work/community 
 - CHANGE overall 

~~~Shifts to realign to your Path
Perhaps the first question that comes to mind is, good or bad shifts?!?
There is no good or bad because that really depends on how you
to the circumstances that present.
Meaning, Perhaps there is a break up, a change in job, a flooding, a flat tire - we can have judgements on these circumstances but to step aside from the judgement and allow the thing to unfold will provide you the whole picture. You won't know and it's actually not necessary to know right now (I know, the mind doesn't want to hear that!!)
My Reminder to you is to
and Trust. 

~~~ An Awakening or Remembering at a Soul Level 
This is often how Portals like to speak to me (LOL). For those of you interested in Mystical Experiences or multi-dimensional realities, Eclipse Season is like the Fertile Soil for all of it. 
Because the Veils are thin and the alignment is ON.
Sudden awakening experiences, past-life memories, DNA Activations and Soul Activations are very common. 

Soul Activations & Grief

As beautiful or interesting as it may seem, these experiences can be daunting to the Spirit and I'd like to share a bit more with you in case you or someone you know is living through this for the first time. 

When we fully Remember our Magnitude, Our Soul Lineage, Our Star Lineage, It can feel like you are beginning to Swim & Interact In an Abyss of Everythingness and Nothingness all at once. The Universe opens up to you and because our physical bodies are not equipped to hold the Expansiveness of the Universe, it can feel intense or jarring. Depending on your Soul Makeup and what/how you are here to experience this, it will be very different and unique.

The activation can be overwhelming to your emotional & energetic field and can leave you feeling ungrounded. If this is the case, make sure to ground in nature and connect with the Sun.

Lastly, Reclaiming & Remembering your Soul Aspects can come alongside Deep Grief / Soul Grief.

This Soul Grief can feel like Homesickness, Separation or a Yearning to Merge with ALL that is / Source/ God. I believe this Grief is a lingering sensation from Separation from Source. Sufis & Mystics across time have spoken and written volumes on the Sweet Nectar of this Reunification and how the Longing to Return can be the most aching pain of this human existence.  Grief has been a large part of my Path and is also a part of the Feminine Lineages. We will be sitting with Grief in the SOFIA school curriculum. 

Have you Experienced or Yearn to Experience a Remembering? Perhaps you remember and now it's time to Believe it?

Eclipse Support

During Eclipse Season, it is important you have practices, rituals and embodiment flows to keep you healthy within your Trinity of Mind, Body & Spirit. Because this is all based on Energy, it is very to slip into your subconscious and return to old patterns and behaviors.
Be mindful.
Make it a practice to RETURN ( to you. to breathe. to stillness. to heart wisdom.)

If you are new to Portals & Eclipse Season, consider doing a 3-day Fast to reset your Energy Field. This 3-day Fast course is what prompted a large initiation for my initial Activations.

You may also enjoy Magnify your Radiance - 3 Days of Darkness. This is a great course if you do not resonate with Fasting. It focuses on creating awareness around the importance of Darkness, Water & Star Ancestors at this time. 

Eclipse Shifts

With all of this Magical & Potent energy stirring, there are a few things brewing. This energy can inspire or create change and that is exactly what is currently happening.

Trust the process and remember that we are living during a time that has been called the Great Changeover or the Great Remembering according to different Lineages. 

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Eclipse Season Insights


Beyond the Barre and into the Temple