Magnify your Radiance

3 Days of Darkness

In a Culture that Reveres outward attention, it is a Rebellious and Sacred Act to go within, Still the Mind and Anchor into something Real.

magnetic radiance

This course is about going within and strengthing your Pillar of Light, so that you may feel regenerated, replenished and supported by a vast network of intelligence, known as Life Force, composed of Dark Matter, Water, Sound & Star intelligence.

What is discussed in this course can be applied to your menstrual cycle during your Menses to receive similar results.

We align with the Stars so that the Waters of our Bodies & Subconscious are deeply nourished and reset by Higher Wisdom. 

Anchor into Your Truth.

Quiet your Mind.

Drop into your Body’s Intuitive Wisdom.

Heal Naturally.

Reclaim your Relationship to Self.

Strengthen your Intuitive Guidance.

Reclaim your Multi-dimensional Gifts.

Activate Star & Water Wisdom.

Become Intentional with your Life

We are taught to be outwardly Radiant (Electric) 100% of the time.

This is like a woman Ovulating 100% of the time.

It’s not sustainable and has Serious long-term effects on our Mind, Body & Spirit.


This program is designed with over a Decade of working with Portals and being in Ritual with the Void.

Stepping into Darkness is one of my favorite things to do.


I give you the tools and understanding so that you can make this a part of your lifestyle, understand Portal energy (during Solstice & Equinox but also during your Menstrual Time!), and align with StarGates to strengthen your Heart Coherence.

Some of what we’ll be Doing:

Filling up our ‘Cup’ so that it may ‘Spilleth over’

Magnetise more and Exert less

Cleaning up our body, mind and Spirit

Connecting to Star, Sound & Water Magic

Embodied Meditation

Shifting the way we Perceive

Moving Gently and Intuitively

Increasing Intuition

Aligning with Star Portals or Menstrual Bleed

Peeling back layers for the Body to Self-Heal.

**There are no refunds after 24 hours of the Course Start date. 

You have access for 3 months to the course content upon purchase.**

“Thank you for creating the space for this exploration! It created the opportunity for me to get curious with my relationship to rest and moving slowly. I woke up on day 4 feeling light and clear. I wasn’t hungry surprisingly and my skin has been glowing. Introducing food led by intuition was a beautiful practice too!”

Julianne Aerhee | Co-founder of The Inspired Life Training - Lululemon Ambassador

“It was so hard at first. My Ego was on FIRE. Everything just flared up and I wanted to walk away so many times. But your support and guidance helped me see things from a new perspective. By the end, I was a completely different person. The entire process was so healing.

I completely gave up caffeine. I used to have it every day. Now I wake up, have my water and watermelon and go for a run. It’s amazing. I feel great. And most of all, I detoxed things I didn’t even know were in me. Thank you so much Celeste.”


The sacredness of slowing down and reconnecting with Time Magic and Heart Magic has been lost.

It is up to you to reclaim it.

Is this Course for You?

-       You feel depleted by a go-go-go culture and need to fill your cup

- You crave alone or quiet time

-You yearn deep replenishment & regeneration

-You feel called to deep knowing. Depp stillness. Deep unraveling.

-  The surface layer is not good enough for you and you are called by the Mysteries.

-   You know you are connected to something greater, you’re just not sure what that means on a practical level or know how to work with that.

-You are called by Stars, the Galactic Universe or the Cosmic Realms

-       You have a meditation practice or want to start one.

-       You are curious about opening your third eye/ajna/inner eyes and want a practical practice to do it.

-    Something about quietness, expansiveness or darkness calls to you

-       You are highly sensitive or very sensitive to Sound

  • You would like a deep way to connect to your Spirit, Breath and Universal Force

  • - You would like to tap into the Magic & Mystery of life

What’s Included?

  • Proper Guidance on Physical & Energetic Detox

  • Recorded Meditation for you to download 

  • High-Vibe Supplement List

  • Journal Prompts 

  • Star Water Ceremony

It was known in Ancient times, that sitting in Darkness during the Alignment of Celestial Gateways was absolutely Crucial to our Conscious Evolution and Self-Healing Capabilities.

If we do not make an effort to Prioritize our Self-Healing potential and Stabilize our Nervous systems, it will inevitably have effects on our Health, Creativity & Magnetic Force Field.

Benefits from this course:


  • What is Magnetic Radiance

  • How to create an Embodied meditation practice

  • Time & Heart Magic

  • The Importance of Luxury Rituals

  • How to use this During your Menstrual Bleed

  • Increased Magnetism

  • Activate DNA & Enhance Intuition 

  • Reset your Nervous System & Subconscious Mind

  • Increase Clarity & Insight

  • Deeper connection with your Life, Purpose & Soul Essence

  • Accelerate your Timelines (things working out in Alignment to your Highest Evolution)

  • Deep Cellular Detoxification (more than usual because the Electromagnetic Fields Change during Portals & your Moon time - thereby affecting our Energy Body and Cellular Structures).

  • Feel Anchored in who you Are

  • Release of Old Patterns & Belief Systems

And that’s just the Beginning.

“The Art of Skillfully Retracting from Stimuli is more needed than ever and will be the driving force to awaken the Hearts of Humanity.”


“We must reclaim a sense of Deep Body Wisdom for the times to come. Our inner-compass will lead the way. ”

What Clients Are Saying:

“Celeste provided me with the space to do some deep healing. This Knowledge + Experience is an Investment with High Return! All it took was doing a 3-day reset under Celeste's guidance to truly feel my body's power, connection to Source, and innate healing ability through my own body's intelligence. I experienced deep healing on a cellular level. I experienced inner peace. I experienced strength and an indescribable connection to Spirit. Fasting penetrates the field on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level and I am grateful to say that the phrases above are now embodied wisdom. Celeste's energy is a gift to be around. Her stellar guidance allowed me to dive deeper into my own abyss safely and I felt held the entire way.

Mahalo Piha, Celeste! ”

Katie Shim | Breathwork Facilitator

 “I have fasted so many times before this and never realized the deeper meaning of it all. I’ve never gotten such amazing results like this time. I feel deep cellular programming released. My relationship to food has drastically improved and I even experienced insightful dreams during this course with Celeste. Whatever she does, it works.”

Andrea Garcia | Mental Health Counselo, Medicine Woman, Yoga Instructor


“Although we're on opposite sides of the world, it felt like I had Celeste in my living room everyday. You can feel her passion and love through the videos. I am forever grateful to Celeste for presenting me with this knowledge, and it is something I will be incorporating into my life frequently. If you follow her videos, this will be life changing. It was for me. I will take this for life”

Vanessa Brown | Pro Athlete, Health Coach, Entrepreneur

“Before doing this I was scared and had a lot of “if’s” in my mind. All the info in your course was amazing and so supportive. I never felt hungry or dizzy. On the contrary, each day that passed I felt better and better.

 It turned out to be a beautiful experience to remind me of the QUEEN I AM. Thank you for showing me this tool to communicate with my inner goddess. I feel blessed, and today is the beginning of a new era that I’m creating in my life.”

Florencia | Wellness Coach


“This is such a unique opportunity to experience a Reset with Celeste’s competent and wholistic guidance. The benefits of the Reset were major. I felt remarkably vibrant, cleansed and more energized. I felt more in tune with my body and even felt big shifts happening in the subtle energy and spiritual realms. I will definitely integrate all that I have learned into my daily life and highly recommend it! ”

Inge | Craniosacral Therapist