Sacred Feminine Flow

I’m grateful and excited to present to you a new method of using movement, sound and visualization to tune in to our Sacred Feminine Wisdom. This is a combination of the practices and modalities I've been using for many years on different levels and it’s finally time to bring them all together.

Sacred Feminine Flow is a way to bridge the gap between our daily physical reality and the Sacred Feminine Wisdom that lives within our body, by using sound, energy, and creative imagination.

What I have found to be true in the spiritual process is that it can get very heady. Meaning, the process of understanding and ‘integrating’ can become very dis-embodied. This is because there is a lot to ‘learn’ and we have been taught that learning happens in the mind…

The Sacred Feminine teaches us that nothing is truly learned until it’s been embodied.

There is a gap there. Much of what is seen in spiritual communities is taught in the way it’s always been taught by masculine lineages, teaching us ‘about the thing’ and how to think in that way, but not actually BECOMING the thing. Basically working from the outside first.

This is where the Sacred Feminine comes into play.

The Feminine works in the opposite way. We must first be aware of where we are standing and what we are currently holding. Most of us do not have access to our subconscious mind, but this is were most of our reality and decisions is stored.

Sacred feminine flow accesses Body Wisdom - which holds a tremendous amount of information about the truth of who we are - yet, distorted spiritual dogma has ignored this and asked us to affirm our way into happiness and abundance…

Our Body Wisdom holds so much (beliefs, behaviors, subconscious patterning, generational trauma) and our job as Conscious Co-Creators of our realities is to become INTIMATE with those parts of us, NOT stick positive affirmations on top of it as if we could just delete what lives inside us.

You can affirm abundance all you want, but if you still open your bank account and don’t have what you need to fulfill your needs and desires, your templates haven’t changed. That’s simple energetics.

You can affirm love all you want, but if you get home and feel lonely cause you’re single or annoyed by your partner or children, you’re walking around with the same embodied templates of loneliness and the love you desire will never come.

The good news? You’re not stuck. You never were. You just need to alchemize these templates that hold the background of your reality on replay.

After so many years of work king with quantum energy healing, I’ve repatterned so many templates on clients until I had the experience of doing it for myself, in real-time, and realized, why can’t I support people in doing this for themselves? Why wouldn’t they be able to rewrite their own patterns?

Merging the energetic & physical realities, we get to walk in both worlds, being fully in our bodies while simultaneously interacting with the energy bodies.

It’s incredible how many layers of information are held around our energy centers like the heart, the throat, and the spine. Sacred Feminine Flow is a somatic exploration and rewrite of the cellular templates that live in these spaces and dictate our day-to-day experience. We are going there. We get to experience and merge with all that we are, the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the multi-dimensional.

This modality allows us to use the quantum realms of emotions, beliefs, and patterns to explore what is behind the noise of the mind. It can give us clarity beyond what we think and instead, allow the infinite realm of the Feminine to take shape through us.

With how the world is at this time, we cannot expect it to slow down. Things will get noisier. We will be tested. The collective will continue to go through initiations. And so, we must decide that we are not victims of this world. We are the co-creators of it. We can take full responsibility for the life that we inhabit, and the first step in doing that is exploring what lives inside us.

The first step in taking full responsibility for this life is having the courage to explore what lives inside us.

Everything that happens in this world has ripple effects. As a war begins in the Middle East, my own journey of going deeper within my lineages reveals to me the challenge and pain that my Jewish ancestors have lived through.

I may not be on land within the space of war but I am now (synchronically and yet not) moving and rewriting the templates that my ancestors, having gone through war, being persecuted, and witnessing the death of their families before them, held within them.

We do not know what we carry in our bodies, yet the templates live there and dictate so much of our reality. So if we want to see fewer wars, we must start within. We must go to our bodies and get curious about what still lives within me that I don’t even know is holding up the possibility of war in this collective.

…if we want to see less war, we must start within.

Sacred Feminine Flow is a way for you to create space for the Wisdom of the Feminine to show you what lives within you

Sacred Feminine Flow is a way for you to create space within your life, within your home, within your being and your routines to tune in and figure out what is living inside of your body because this is what I've noticed;

 ~ we have a list of things that we want to accomplish, a set of dreams we wish to fulfill, a handful of desires we’d like to live.

But if we’re not tuning into the patterns that live within our bodies & cellular structures, how can we ever live these things out? A dream or a desire exists because it’s likely something you have not yet lived. And if you have not yet lived it, it’s because there is a template in your body that has not yet been activated for it. It is our job to find out what is required to make that template ‘turn on’.

 The Body Wisdom that got you here, is not the same Body Wisdom that will get you to where you desire to go.

The level of awareness and intimacy must increase. Unless where you desire to go looks very similar to where you came from.

We have all of these things that we want to execute; maybe it's going deeper in love with your partner, having a clean home more consistently, maybe it's excelling at your job, increasing your income. Whatever it is, we have these things that we desire and then we have our bodies and the patterns that live inside us that have not yet allowed us to experience it.

Sofia Rose Lineage Membership

These patterns are alive and dictate our reality.


These patterns are alive and they are existing within our field of consciousness. They dictate our reality. I know this because it’s what I see and work with in energy sessions all the time. They live within our bodies and they also permeate our existence.


They permeate our life and our behaviors and if we are not tuning into our bodies to rewrite these patterns or at least get familiar with them, we will find ourselves running into walls and living out the same old patterns, over and over and over again. Some of which our parents or past generations have. I may not be living in a place of war, but the struggle that my ancestors lived was a subconscious choice I had living in my cells and as soon as I saw it, so much made sense for me. I had to accept it, merge with it and alchemize it, for myself and for them.

My intention

My intention for you with the Sacred Feminine Flow is that we tune into the deeper patterns that live inside of us so we may make a conscious choice about whether they serve us or not.  

Once you're in that place of having a choice, you have an opportunity to integrate and alchemize the pattern.

So first, we have to be aware of the patterns that live within us.

Then, we have to fully integrate those patterns.

Finally, we need to be able to choose the alchemical process.

And that's the intention of Sacred Feminine Flow.

Choosing the alchemical process; that's the intention of Sacred Feminine Flow.

 My intention is to share what has helped me tap into deep places of healing, remembering and alchemizing so that you may have that choice within your body and life experience.

Sacred Feminine Flow is created so you may go deeper within your own body, within your own template, within your own cellular memories. So that you are liberated to Create the reality of your Deepest Desires.


Discipline in Focus

Lastly, another thing we are doing is training our senses to tune out the external chaos and the external noise that is so loud in our world at this time. This will create the skill and the strength to go within for a longer period of time (for those of you who don’t love meditation) which is very necessary in today’s fast-paced world.

 We will be training our bodies and our senses on various levels so that we become the anchor of our life, not the stories and information that is thrown at us.

Yes, we know there is change and transformation happening every time we turn on the news. but the question is, how does your Body feel when you interact with it? This is where your Gold lies. In the ability to hold your Center for those around you who may not yet be able to.

If you feel called, I invite you join me for Sacred Feminine Flow, held once a month via the SOFIA membership and taught weekly on Tuesdays at Ascentiah Healing Center in Midtown NYC.

Check it our here. if you’re called to join me online. Your first 3 days are FREE!

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Couples Quantum Healing– Sacred Feminine Wisdom at Work


Sacred Feminine Wisdom