Couples Quantum Healing– Sacred Feminine Wisdom at Work

Couple Quantum Healing

If you feel like you’ve hit a bump or a wall in your relationship, your relationship is on a fast-track of evolution or you would simply like support on navigating the Alchemical Process that must happen within Sacred Union, a couple’s quantum healing may be a good option for you.

Divine union - it’s a thing ~ and we haven’t seen much of it on our planet, until now. As Sacred

Feminine Wisdom continues to be anchored on the planet, Sacred Union will be a noticeably larger gateway for this Wisdom to be anchored. I want to be clear about what Sacred Union is referred to as here - Sacred Union is whenever 2 hearts are committed to each other’s love and safety while sharing deep physical and emotional intimacy.

The merging of Two hearts, in the name of Divine Love, is a powerful gateway to merge with Universal Wisdom. Two willing hearts, when in Divine Love will change the world.

When 2 hearts merge in Sacred Union, there is a very sacred and special opportunity to do

alchemical work for each of your lineages and your soul’s akash. There is both polarity and

magnetism at its extreme held within the field that you create when you are together.

This means that the very thing that pulls you together at the start of it all, will at some point try to pull you apart.

This is why many couples feel confused about why things no longer work out

after a few years of deep love. They don’t realize that the relationship IS the vehicle for

transformation. The relationship itself will ask each of you to change, die, and be reborn, only to

find yourselves in a much deeper, safer, and more intimate container each time.

This is the FIRE alchemy that will burn what does not serve in the name of resurrecting the

aspects of the relationship that are meant to carry you through the next stage of your

evolution. This fire must be tamed and worked with, individually and collectively, via our Divine

Will, our Divine Breath, and our Divine Love.

The dance of Divine love is to WEAVE, in Figure 8 (infinity loop), coming together in deep

intimacy and pulling apart to return to Self, realizing that you are 2 completely different beings and yet

completely identical in your Soul’s reflection.

The Sacred Mirror of Divine Union

Just like you have an energy field that you are responsible for, must cater to, and must maintain,

you also have a combined energy field when you are in a sacred union with someone. You share a

field of energy that determines how you respond and interact with each other and that field of

energy is the responsibility of both of you to maintain.

When someone in a relationship does something, it automatically has an impact on the other

person and the relationship unit as a whole. We can see this in the combined Energy Field. The exchange

of energy flow becomes stagnant or is not in integrity.

It is not rare to see women having womb issues and then find out their partner’s root or sacral

energies are leaking (relationship infidelity, watching porn, etc.) Or men having their hearts

blocked and their partners never express how they truly feel about something important or share what they desire from the relationship. You see, the actions of each, whether known mentally or not, have a direct effect on the relationship and the physicality of each person. This is why they say, you can’t ever lie because you end up lying to yourself, most especially in Sacred Union. Just like there is a reason for the imbalances in your own physical body, there is always a reason for the imbalance in your relationship. You just have to be honest and transparent and it will show itself.

Sometimes, we look at the other in a relationship thinking ‘If they could just xyz….’ But the truth

is, in a relationship, you are sharing an energy field that provides a sacred reflection of who you are. What you desire of your partner is what you ultimately desire of yourself in some deep way. Often when people complain about their partners, it not only creates a bigger problem energetically but also makes the problem worse. It’s like adding a lighter flame to the issue that exists. Chances are, that complaint will get bigger and bigger and eventually show up as a physical imbalance in one or both of the people in that relationship.

Couples Quantum Healing

If you feel like you’ve hit a bump or a wall in your relationship, and you can’t see a way through,

couple’s quantum healing may be a good option to receive clarity and guidance on what is truly

going on.

I say this because I find that when it comes to communication or therapy, each person can only

share as far as they are capable of sharing with their conscious minds. If they can’t fully feel their

hearts, or understand their past lineages (who does?) there will always be a short-sighted

perspective of what is going on. Aside from that, 95% of our actions, beliefs and patterns are subconscious, meaning even if you are conscious and aware of yourself, you still can’t access the deeper layers behind much of what is happening.

It’s so sad when people say ‘oh, that’s just him. He’s done the same pattern for 20 years. I’m sick of it but there’s no changing it.’ I want to yell at the top of my lungs. WHAT? Of course there is! The purpose of your relationship is to show you what you are sick of so that you can both move through it to the other side! There is nothing you should have to ‘put up with’ because those things end up manifesting as real imbalance and physical illness in your body. I hope that I’m really driving this home and making it clear.

relationship healing NYC

Whatever you resist, persists, AND will manifest within you.

Generational Clearing

I can’t tell you the number of times there is generational lineage clearing with couples’ sessions. I believe a big reason why people come together in Sacred Union & deep intimacy is to specifically clear the lineage & DNA they carry that no longer serves the whole or immediate community.

Sometimes we forget that when we come together, like it or not, we are helping each other clean up the

generations that have come before us. So no matter how much you love (or don’t) your in-

laws, their parents, or your beloved’s past, the truth is, it is inevitably going to come up during your

time together. Because the deeper you go in a relationship, the deeper the work will take you. So it is your responsibility to do something about it.

Often in sessions, there is a breaking down of a barrier that has been put up by past

lineages, belief systems, or cultural dogma. We don’t realize how much of our past we are

alchemizing just by being in a sacred union. This is important to be aware of because it’s a daily opportunity to catch ourselves in subconscious patterning and truly ask ourselves, “Is this supportive”?

relationship therapy healing NYC

Couples Quantum Healing Session

The Couples Quantum healing session intends to strengthen the container via

the qualities of Sacred Feminine Wisdom. This is what nourishes the flame of the relationship

and keeps it alive. This also creates a balance in the energy field so that your Heart Coherence and Center point (your trinity center) can become a stable force for both of you to lean on.

Sessions can include:

~ Making sure both parties are standing in their Truth

~ Opening the channel of True Communication (reconnecting the Heart, Higher Mind and throat so they

may express coherently)

~ Creating a stronger Heart Coherence Field

~ Cleaning up sacral or root energies that are not in alignment with the relationship’s intention

~ Clearing doubt or old belief systems coming in the way of a couple’s progression

~ Activating the Solar Radiance & Lunar Magnetic qualities within the shared field

~ Providing guidance/perspective about how to move forward or stabilize what is currently happening

Couples’ Quantum healing sessions are made to reflect to each other what the other needs and

how (or if) the current dynamic is working. It is very common to see the reconnection of the brain and the heart’s neural pathways so that new possibilities of communication and connection can arise between both sides.

Couple Quantum Healing

You don’t have to feel stuck. There’s always a way to move energy so that Clarity has space to come in and lead the way.

True Love in Sacred Union is hard to come by. It requires devotion, willingness, and a consistent

return and humbling to each other’s Hearts. This world we live in does not show us how or what it takes to

nourish a Sacred Relationship so we have to take Responsibility in figuring that out and put the

work in to do it.

Quantum Energy Healing NYC

Divine Union requires the full commitment of both parties to be all in – thought, word, action, and intention.

~ Transparency. Truth. Integrity. Safety. ~ It’s all fundamental in Sacred Union, and it will show

in the session if either party is not holding up to that.

Lastly, we must recognize if we are actively destroying or bashing the relationship we

are in. It is not uncommon to hear women bash their husbands, or men talk about other

women as if they didn’t have a partner. We need to understand that everything we do, say, and

intend has an impact on the shared field, which undeniably has an impact on the way we

interact with each other or how deep we can go with each other.

So many times I see couples not satisfied in their sexual relationship or fed up because they are

completely bored with each other, come to find out that the woman sees her husband as a

little boy who can’t cope with himself or the man is carelessly investing his energy in external situations that do not serve him. Both parties are yearning for deep love and intimacy and think that these actions

have no bearing on their relationship when indeed, they are both just as hurtful and harming.

When you share an energy field, you share everything. And that’s important to know. Because

you can’t just accept parts of each other and pretend the rest doesn’t exist while hoping that

the relationship will be held with deep safety and love.

Safety & Love serve as Gateways to inner-chambers of the Heart & Womb/Dantian.

The deeper level of Safety & Love you can create in the relationship, the deeper connection and intimacy you will experience together. But these things are not created on the external. These deeper levels of Safety & Love are determined by each of your inner worlds (your energy centers, thoughts, emotions, and motives). When one Heart is deeply committed to the other, it automatically opens the door to deeper ecstasy, bliss, orgasm, and magic. These things happen from the inside out. As we surrender more into the relationship, new doors within our hearts and wombs will open and you will light the fire of your Sacred Trinity - the point of focus or light that you carry as a Unit.

This is simply how energy works. It is like a lock and key. There is no hiding. The more you can trust each other and be transparent with each other, the deeper and more intimate you will be able to be. And you will know it on every level, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.

And by the way, this is not to set a standard of perfection for a relationship by any means. As I’ve mentioned above, relationships moving through Deep Alchemy have very intense initiations and that is not to be glazed over. This is to simply bring awareness to the Power of our words, our thoughts, and our actions within the container of sacred union and also give you hope that YES, it is possible.

If you’d like to read more about quantum energy healing or book a couple’s quantum energy healing session, click here. For questions, please email



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