Feminine Power in Body Wisdom - The Seductress Path

The Seductress Path is NOW OPEN

Today is January 2nd, 2024. Most people may be jumping around for joy with new manifestation tricks, their new year’s goals, and how their entire lives will radically change because they now have the energy for some miraculous thing they couldn’t get themselves to do about 20 years ago.

Somehow, that feels overwhelming, defeating, retarded and overdone. I’m simply over the New Year thing and this is why:

As my inbox fills up with reasons, hacks, and motivation for a New Year’s Goal, I slow down to listen. I decide to turn away from the noise and instead listen to something much louder, much more potent, something I can’t seem to ignore:

My Body Wisdom

I have been tracking my cycle for years now. Not just with an app but with my Cyclical Living Planner, which allows me to tap into the Greater message of what my body is saying on a daily and cyclical basis.

As my cycle aligns with this very ‘New Year’s Celebration’ I am reminded of something that has been a great tradition for lineages before us:

“The New Year is celebrated alongside the Rhythm of Nature.

Alongside the Moon cycles, Universal Alignments, and Spring Equinoxes.

At this time, you are in a deep state of Renewal.

You are as if a seed were to be planted in the depth of rich soil, without even the intention of creating a goal of growth to sprout, but instead, reminiscing in the beauty of what it means to be in the depths of Winter, of darkness, of rebirth.

You stand in the doorway between worlds, not yet leaving behind the Old and not yet in the New. You are in an opportune moment, where time stands still, where your Soul awaits, where the stars align, where the Imprints of the New await the closure of the Old.

Do not rush this moment.

Do not run off like a premature seed wanting to be an oak tree.

Trust the process before you and allow the fruits of this Cycle to be shown to you in the time to come.”

There is nothing more accurate, wise, and ancient than body wisdom.

This entire human journey exists so that we may return to our body wisdom, and everything in our culture is made to pull us away from it.

When I tune in to my body’s wisdom, this is what she speaks. And there is nothing more true and aligned than those words right now. This is quite incredible because, at this time, the Seductress is holding her flame of light in the depths of her regenerative soil and speaking out loud:

Take a stand for what is True. Claim what is yours and guide women back to the Wisdom of their wombs. In this, they too will stand in their Truth.

Do you know what happens when we don’t abide by nature’s cycles? By the Wisdom of our bodies? By the rhythm of the Universe? Chaos – in health. In structures. In life.

This is a holy week, a holy season, a sacred portal. This past week, we have spent hours in sacred study with the ancient lineages; the ones who kept the secrets of ascension, who died in the name of Love, who came from the stars to teach us the Way.

As I think back, I remember each year during this week having incredible revelations – whether in life, in vision, in journey, or via initiation. This is a time of DEEP STILLNESS. of DEEP RECEPTIVITY. of deep Mystical Truth if you create the space for it.

Visions of soil, churning, replenishing, and self-destructing in order to feed off the old and create nutrients for the new. Perhaps it is being here in the North East, where days are cold and short. Perhaps it is me and my quirky, magical, nonsense way of thinking. But it feels right. It feels aligned. It feels, mystically and divinely driven.

And as I tune in, I feel the Seductress around the corner, peeking through the veil, looking at me from afar, having little mercy for me because she knows I’m in desperate need of what is to come.

The Seductress came into my life about 10 years ago. I did not know anything about The Rose Lineage, the Path of the Divine Feminine, Womb Wisdom or otherwise.

I was initiated via the portal of Death & Grief. It was a moment in my life where I was asked to let go of all my belief systems around spirituality and high-vibrational living (whatever that means) and Return to the Wisdom of my Body.

This is where my love for Cyclical Living and Body Wisdom began. This is where my yearning for the Depth and Intimacy of this Human Journey began.

At the door of Death. Of Grief. Of Release. Of feeling like an insignificant molecule on earth, lost, not knowing who I was or why I was here and literally wanting to give up.

And today, 2024, the ‘beginning’ of the Seductress launch, I am feeling these sensations once again. I can feel her on my shoulders looking at me with those merciful Universal eyes, thinking out loud: “Oh my, what is about to come for you, you better SURRENDER faster than you can think.”

Any thought against her wish is a sword to my heart. It is never worth it. Her wisdom far supersedes anything I will ever read in a book or receive from a guru. It is known knowledge through lived experience, something that only a few will have the guts to move through.

Any thought against her wish is a sword to my heart. It is never worth it. Her wisdom far supersedes anything I will ever read in a book or receive from a guru. It is known knowledge through lived experience, something that only a few will have the guts to move through.

And as I ‘prepare myself’ to ground the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts and call in the courageous women of the New Earth, I too must walk through my initiations.

Leaving behind belief systems around service, business, or whatever else is holding me back from being who I came here to be, I am asked to face the initiations of the Seductress.

The Seductress is like the Cosmic Womb Void that stands still between the Past and the Future. She asks that you slip into a wormhole of transformation that has no boundaries with where it can take you or what it has in store for you. You may be asked to revisit your 5-year-old self, your grandmother’s lineage, or your Soul Blueprint. She is relentless about realigning you to your True North and there is nothing that will stop her from getting you there. You can scream, shout, and pout all you want, but you will inevitably come to a place of surrendered stillness because the fight you have put up to live a false life will inevitably become so heavy, that it alone will take you down.

It is in that moment, that the Seductress will come with her Wings of Fate, Destruction, Hope, and Rebirth, and make of you the Great Masterpiece you were always meant to be.

……..the fight you have put up to live a false life will inevitably become so heavy, that it alone will take you down. It is in that moment, that the Seductress will come with her Wings of Fate, Destruction, Hope, and Rebirth, and make of you the Great Masterpiece you were always meant to be.

I am reminded today, on this new year cycle, how deeply we are in need of the Heart-Womb Fire that calls for us. How deeply we crave the Great Mother's Wisdom that lives within us. How deeply thirsty we are for the internal landscape that promises us riches by simply turning our gaze within.

We must muster up the courage to face our darkest shadows, reclaim the depths of what we desperately yearn for, and stand for what we desire to see and be in the world. The Seductress brings the fire of Creation and Destruction as she stands firmly in what she claims as her Queendom.

This 2024, as each Archetype is revealed via the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts, the Seductress holds the Flame of Light that leads us back to the Wisdom and Truth of who we are, constantly asking us to go within for clarity and realign to the Depths of our Soul.

The Seductress brings the fire of Creation and Destruction as she stands firmly in what she claims as her Queendom.


The Seductress is here to Reclaim Feminine Power as the first step of the Lemuria Rose Priestess Path™. She is the Keeper of Heart & Womb Wisdom and travels with the element of Fire.

She brings light to the unseen and decides to create a cozy home in the caverns of your body, waiting patiently to receive the wisdom of the Feminine, who is the master of Time and Creation.

The Seductress is often known as a woman’s first step in the reclamation of Body Wisdom and what we see on a rise around the world as women reclaim their connection to sexuality, womb wisdom, and true power.

Feminine mentorship

The Seductress is often known as a woman’s first step in the reclamation of Body Wisdom and what we see on a rise around the world as women reclaim their connection to Sexuality, Womb Wisdom, and True Power.

As I sit with what it means to be a woman of the new world, I am reminded of the role of the Seductress and how she initiates us into our Feminine Power, not because we are to go against the old, but instead, because we are to relentlessly pursue the Creation of the New.

The New Earth Sophia is calling forth the women in tune with a new frequency of Creation. Women who are willing to lend an Ear to the whispers that lie within their Feminine Power. Women who are courageous enough to slow down and create Sacred Space in a world where the more relentless you are about seeking attention, the more approval you will receive.

In the midst of war, political distractions, mindless disputes, ego-driven manifestation techniques, and outrageous approval-seeking behavior, the Seductress holds the Medicine of Fire high to the sky and blazes forth with Truth-seeking Questions.


- When is enough enough?

- When will you finally listen?

- What will it take for you to face your truth?

- How much longer would you like to live with the consequences of playing small?

- Tell me, how is hiding serving you?

- How much longer will you hide? (your secrets, your desires, your urges, your rage, your

hate, your anger, your fear, your hurt…

- When will you be ready to grow up?

- Is what you speak really what you believe and who you are?


Can’t you see, what you resist is your alchemical gold?

The Seductress trusts her body and where it leads her. She returns to her Intuition as the leading compass of her Life. She knows her body holds books of universal wisdom, and if she does not listen, she will suffer. She is not scared of death but instead embraces it, knowing that her old Self must die in reverence for the New to be birthed.

I believe it takes courage and deep levels of Trust to go against what the external world expects us to do and this is exactly what the Seductress is here to lead us in.

I believe those of us who are courageous enough to Listen to the Voices and Wisdom of our bodies have a different role to play on earth at this time. We no longer have the bandwidth to play nice or smile at those blatantly lying to our faces.

I believe that the women who are here to imagine the birth of the new world no longer wish to not succumb to the pressures of the old and are ready and willing to be relentless in their pursuit of heart-womb wisdom.

This is what the Seductress fire feels like when she begins to flame within you.

Her flame will lead you toward a relentless pursuit of:









The womb’s cozy, replenishing, and nourishing caverns bring us back to:

deep intimacy with your lover;

sacred stillness within your heart;

the fire of your passionate creative imagination;

Your desire to dream your wildest dreams;

Your yearning for great pleasure and sensitivity.

The flame of wisdom that burns in your soul to be guided by the Truth of your Heart & Womb.

These things will never come if we keep seeking outside of us. These things, the Seductress reminds us, are birthed from the fire of our Heart-Womb Connection and it will take courage to reclaim them.

The Seductress opens the door and invites us back into the Wisdom of our Bodies. To explore the dark crevices of our Bones.

To get intimate with the Blood of our Womb. To reclaim the lineages of the Marys who gave their lives in Service to Protect Feminine Wisdom.

The Seductress is the beginning of your Return to the Feminine. The great spiral that returns us to the Wisdom of our Body begins open, and in that journey, we create space for our Feminine Power to return.

Feminine Power, which in the past has been distorted and used against us, is asking us to be reclaimed.

Made to believe that somehow Feminine power has leverage over the masculine, over manifestation, over what we think we want from life. This is all inverted and your Feminine knows it. You know it because if you tune into your Feminine Power you may start to shrink or shiver at the magnitude you actually can hold and it has nothing to do with how Power has been taught to us.

The Rose Path - Womb Awakening




Your Power as the Seductress lies in your Throat, your Heart & your Womb.

Tune in for a moment into these energy centers.

What are they requiring from you?

What wisdom do they hold?

What have they held back?

What have the lineages you hold held in these spaces?

The Seductress blazes her way into the Depths of these Centers.

Via Sacred Feminine Flow, Embodied Practices, Meditations, Ritual, & Transmissions, we will reclaim the Heart-Womb Wisdom that creates a foundation for your deepest Intimacy, Truth, and Voice of your Feminine Power.

If you are called to:

- Begin or deepen your Journey with Feminine Wisdom

- Embody Cyclical Wisdom

- Create a deep connection to your Feminine

- Remember the Wisdom of your Womb

- Face your Shadows

- Understand and Embody Sacred Sexuality

- Creating a ritual around womb wellness

- Create a conscious connection to your Fertility

- Reclaiming your Feminine Power


It is currently LIVE and we will begin our time together in February – the month of Deep Love where the Fires of the heart will give us the energy required to sink into the Depths of our Womb’s Ancient Wisdom.

Lastly, this is a reminder to make this ‘new year’ more about what you require and less about what others think you need.

If you’d like to start the year off in a new kind of way, join me in the S.O.F.I.A. Membership where we will create a ritual for this current season, aligning to the stars and guidance of our body’s wisdom. Trusting that what is given from within supersedes what we are told from without.

Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings!

If you have enjoyed this blog and find it useful, please share it with others! It helps me spread this knowledge and support more people which I love to do!


Cyclical Living vs. Cyclical Wisdom


S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts