Cyclical Living vs. Cyclical Wisdom

This month inside The S.O.F.I.A. Membership we are exploring and tuning into Cyclical Living and Cyclical Wisdom. The importance of Cyclical Living was one of the first stepping stones in initiating my Feminine Power and I’ve been intimately exploring and communicating with her ever since. If you know me, you know how obsessed I am with Cyclical Living. I am the one counting down until my Period and meditating on what each phase has to say to me (Yes, you can do that).   I created a Cyclical Living Planner to support women with tapping into the True Power behind Fertility and then began the Cyclical Creatrix Course to support women in living and creating in tune with their unique Body Rhythm (all  now included in the Seductress Path!).

Needless to say, this is my Jam. And this year, as I prepared to launch the Seductress Path within the SOFIA School, I was slowly brought behind the curtain of why I have been so deeply in Love with this Wisdom.

If you’ve been following along or read the last Blog on Feminine Power and Body Wisdom, you know this past holiday season I have been sharing about Cyclical Living more than usual. Let’s get into the deeper reason why.

Cyclical Living


For the last 2 years, the Holiday Season seemed like a fast-forward rollercoaster towards running away from what just happened (the year before) and running even faster toward what was to come (New Year’s goals).

By the time the end of January hit, I was utterly exhausted and depleted beyond what I could articulate. Given I was running my brick-and-mortar and handling a lot from day to day, I never really ‘slowed down’ to tap into the Rhythm of the Winter season. I never allowed myself time to decompress, rest, and actually HIBERNATE. I was convinced that if I could get a head start and push forward with New Year’s Goals, it would set me up for success.

Clearly, being here today, you could imagine what I’m about to tell you…..

It all ended up being the exact opposite. I dragged through the winter season and never really recovered. Like truly, for the entire season, I never seemed to get back into a state of harmony with my health, vitality, energy, and even creativity (creativity is very important on the feminine path). This eventually led to a spiral of deep exhaustion and adrenal disharmony causing different physical symptoms and energetic imbalances.

So this year, I was asked to do things differently. As people sped up to shop more, do more, create more new year’s goals, and somehow muster up the energy to live as I had done, I decided to pull back all the way in. I decided to trust my intuition and do the exact opposite. I decided to have the most peaceful, restful, and slow holiday season and I promised myself not to come out of it until I felt I was complete.

I had urges from time to time (and still do!) to do more. To create. To go out into the world. But something very deep inside told me to STOP. To TRUST. To TUNE INTO into a larger Rhythm and Universal Consciousness, that is wiser and more intelligent than anything we could ever fathom. I knew this process was leading me into something different. Into something I needed more than anything else.

It wasn’t long enough before I realized that the Sacred Feminine was preparing me for a massive rebirth (which I will be sharing within the next few weeks), the grounding of the S.O.F.I.A. Scool and the launch of the Seductress. I was being shown how to tap into the deeper layers of Cyclical Living so that I could embody Cyclical Wisdom and use the energy of Creation to move through this fundamental process of Life, Death, Chaos, and Order.

Today, with the discussion of Cyclical Living vs. Cyclical Wisdom   I grant you permission to step into your Human Being, put aside this Human Do-ing, and notice, what are you deeply yearning for?

Cyclical Wisdom

I grant you permission to step into your Human Being, put aside this Human Do-ing, and notice, what are you deeply yearning for?


Cyclical Living is becoming popular within the Divine Feminine on the rise. It is beautiful to see women getting in tune with their menstrual cycle and learning how to live in harmony with it as opposed to pushing against it. This would be the first step to take if you’re interested in tapping into your self-healing capabilities and the Wisdom of  Creation.

Given the basics of Cyclical Living, there is such deeper wisdom that lives beyond the typical information we are presented in terms of aligning with our menstrual cycle or the rhythm of nature. Many women use apps to track the different seasons of their menstrual cycle but it’s important we take it further and truly get to know the deeper spiral that connects us to Creation through this integrated Wisdom.

Cyclical Wisdom brings us into Divine Harmony with the greater aspect of life and teaches us fundamental lessons about this reality. When initiated with Cyclical Wisdom, we move through a deeper understanding of how we are a fractal of the greater cosmos and if we are out of tune with that greater intelligence, we cannot tap into a state of Divine Harmony or Divine Health. Neither can we align with our Highest Destiny because we are likely holding onto old paradigms of who and what we should be.

Sophia Wisdom

Cyclical Wisdom brings us into Divine Harmony with the greater aspect of life and teaches us fundamental lessons about this reality.

Cyclical Wisdom is a fundamental template that dictates the basis of our health, our connection to the Universe, and our ability to communicate with the Essence of Life. When we are tapped into Cyclical Wisdom, we can more quickly fight off dis-ease, communicate with our body’s Wisdom, align with our Soul purpose, and become a grounding rod during these changing times (which in essence creates a stronger mental and physical body).

If this is new to you or you are ready to embody Cyclical Wisdom, I invite you to join me with the invitations at the end of this blog.

Rose Lineage

Cyclical Wisdom is a fundamental template that dictates the basis of our health, our connection to the Universe, and our ability to communicate with the Essence of Life.


I have been tuning into Cyclical Wisdom since the Launch of the Seductress and one of the points we will discuss in depth within the S.O.F.I.A. Membership this month is the importance of emptying ourselves before we can fill back up.

The point of non-existence, or Zero-point, is a very important place to be in. This is what I believe this time of year (the beginning of the year) is supposed to be about. Amidst the Western ‘New Year’ time, we are actually at the peak of Zero-point consciousness. There is a deep stillness alive in the air and you can easily tap into it if you are tuning into this Wisdom. That’s because the Universe, the cosmos, and the Earth are all sending the same message:

Stop. Breathe. Receive.

There is nothing to do at this time. In fact, the more you do, the less you can be later in the year.

The tricky part is, that we don’t have to empty ourselves to keep living our lives and we have been rewarded and made to believe that it is completely useless to do so (this is where Cyclical Wisdom comes into play). This is why I say it’s wonderful that women are realizing there are 4 seasons to their menstrual cycle and using an app to track it but it’s simply not enough. That’s merely 20% of what Cyclical Wisdom is about.

You can run on 50% for the rest of your life if you’d prefer. You can breathe shallowly, you can be at 50% stress, you can be at 50% rest forever, and still be OK. This is an issue in our society. We haven’t been able to receive 100% of either side. We’re not fully BE-Ing and hence, we’re not fully DO-ing. This is why bio-hacking and human performance is quickly skyrocketing. They are realizing how far we can go, IF, and only IF, we actually understand, tap into, and execute our human potential.

This is why bio-hacking and human performance is quickly skyrocketing. They are realizing how far we can go, IF we understand, tap into, and execute our human potential.

It is in the BE-ing that we will reap the most fruit and currently, it is the time to BE.

The Red Rose Path

…the universe inherently holds a template of regeneration and self-healing which we are also meant to hold.


Whenever I am gifted with these kinds of insights, I ask, Why have we lost this? What happened? Why are we so far from our natural and original way of being? I ask this because when I tune in, I often feel deep grief for how far we have come from our original blueprint or Divine Essence. I can feel the separation from our Truth and it creates a visceral knowing in my body of what is real and what is not.

As I asked, I was shown that, just like the universe inherently holds a template of regeneration and self-healing, we are also meant to hold that, but we must embody this wisdom to do so. And there wouldn’t be a need to search for this Wisdom if we never  strayed away from it. So in essence, the fact that women have forgotten their deep connection to Life and Nature and the way that our modern culture now  runs serves a purpose in showing us the  contrast  and how beautiful it is when we finally do â€˜plug in’ to the Real Matrix of Universal Intellegence.

This means that when we tune back into our natural rhythm, becoming the bridge between the stars and the earth, we realign to divine harmony and our body activates a self-healing potential that is actually just natural to LIFE!

If we all lived in alignment with this Cyclical Wisdom, there would be no illness, no pain, no sensation of disconnection. We would be able to turn to our body and nature herself to learn how to self-heal (which many people can attest to). We can feel so deeply connected with the earth and the universe, that our Human Power and Potential would quickly begin to turn on….

I won’t go into the reasons why this would be purposefully taken away from us. You can contemplate that on your own time! But I will share the following:

- The Gregorian calendar was created against the natural rhythm of the seasons and the cosmos.

- Daylight savings has been shown to create havoc with our health.

- Our modern culture is created to push us against our natural rhythm in terms of how and when we sleep, how we interact with our immediate environment (TV, lights, eating schedules), and how we are taught to work out.

When we regain Cyclical Wisdom as a way of life, we tune into the rhythm that is natural to the Cosmos, to Creation itself.

This energy is regenerative.


It knows what to do.

Can you tune into this for a moment? This energy, of the Universe, of LIFE itself, knows what to do. Allow yourself to be held by this for just a moment and notice how your body feels.

It’s like opening river banks of highly intelligent living water that know exaclty how to move through your body, your blood, your organs, your skin. We have forgotten we have access to unlocking these rivers and have made every which in our modern society way to block their intuive flow.

Feminine arts

When we regain cyclical wisdom as a way of life, we tune into the rhythm that is natural to the Cosmos, to Creation itself.

This energy is Regenerative.


It knows what to do.

Here’s some of what I see in women as soon as they begin to tap into Cyclical Living and integrate Cyclical Wisdom as a part of their lives:

- They greatly reduce or get rid of menstrual pain

- They awaken deep spiritual connections and strengthen their spiritual gifts

- Their body begins to self-heal

- They feel happier and more in love with their body

- They can better understand themselves leading to improved communication with their partners and/or loved ones

- They are more likely to explore intimacy in ways that are aligned to them

- They become more connected to their hearts and eventually reconnect a very important connection that we all need, which is the heart-womb connection

- Their brain begins to function more healthily – energetically I see this in sessions when women are disconnected from their body’s natural rhythm, there is a disconnect between the brain function and the rest of the body – spine, heart, womb. This has many detrimental side effects.

- They are more likely to effectively and lovingly communicate because the relationship with their emotional body begins to refine.

- They make better eating choices and are more likely to create healthy routines (establishing a connection to their body creates a subconscious connection to wanting to take care of it.)


When Integrating Cyclical Wisdom, you are more likely to effectively and lovingly communicate because the relationship with your emotional body begins to refine.


In the S.O.F.I.A. membership, we will be discussing and embodying 2 main topics with our Cyclical Wisdom theme to start this year:

- How Life and Death are a critical understanding of Cyclical Wisdom

- How Chaos and Order in your life are dependent on embodied Cyclical Wisdom

Currently, I am moving through a massive rebirth. As I was asked to tap into this Wisdom, I received tons of clarity, guidance, and momentum toward the fruits of what was to come. It could not have been made more clear that if I had never stopped I would have inevitably not only repeated what I had done the last 2 years but even worse, I’d be putting myself in tons of debt and creative pressure that would weigh heavily on my health, finances, relationship, and home. None of which is conducive to LIFE!!

Cyclical Living and Cyclical Wisdom bring us back to LIFE and the Great lessons of life that exist far beyond what our mind keeps us busy with 90% of the time. Imagine if you could surrender to a Greater intelligence, the same one that created you and the same one that governs LIFE itself…..

This is embodied Cyclical Wisdom!

Rose Lineage

Imagine if you could surrender to a Greater intelligence, the same one that created you and the same one that governs LIFE itself…..

At this time, I leave you with the following questions to engage Cylical Wisdom:

- Where am I resisting the process of life and death in my life?

- Where is there so much chaos in my life that it is creating clutter in my ability to see, move and/or listen?

- Where do I require order in my life?

If you desire to explore these topics in depth, I invite you to Join Me this month at The S.O.F.I.A. MEMBERSHIP to start the year off in a more aligned and embodied way and explore in-depth what Cyclical Wisdom can do for you.

If you’d like to make Cyclical Wisdom an embodied practice and way of life, I invite you to JOIN THE SEDUCTRESS WEBINAR!  Learn how to not only tap into Cyclical Living but embody Cyclical Wisdom within the Seductress Path of the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.

If you have enjoyed this blog and find it useful, please share it with others! It helps me spread this knowledge and support more people which I love to do!


Womb Awakening - A Message from the Goddess


Feminine Power in Body Wisdom - The Seductress Path