Womb Awakening - A Message from the Goddess

Today, I am sharing with you a very Clear and Direct message from the Raw & True Moments of Womb Awakening.

Womb Awakening

May you have the courage to stand where you are, own your process and undertake the Initiation that lies before you…..

In the midst of womb awakening, Destruction prevails.

You begin to touch the soil of Life and Death.

You begin to release the old version of self;

the good girl, the nice girl, the one that you were raised to be, the one that society accepts.

Something suddenly awakens. Something suddenly happens. Something suddenly shifts and your world will never be the same.

You will never look back. you can't. it's gone. you can never go back. all you have is what is left in front of you and it's black, it's a void and there's no next steps.

You don't know what lies before you but you know you can't turn around.

You're in the void of the womb.

You're now touching earth medicine, snake medicine, dragon medicine, the darkness.

the regenerative darkness that creates life just as easily as she destroys it.

Womb Awakening

You're in the void of the womb.

This darkness will rebirth you into who you actually came here to be.

The destiny of your highest soul expression begins now, in this very moment.

With your womb awakening.

Womb awakening means that you R E T U R N for the first time in your life.

You drop in.

You turn your back on what WAS you and you turn toward what IS truly you.

You don't know what's ahead but it's better than what has come before.

This is womb awakening.

The tower moment in your life, where you know nothing will ever be the same.

you're walking a fine line.

one moment you're ready to destroy it all, the next you're holding on for dear life. you don't want anything to change. You’ll do anything to take your olf Self back.

This is the tower moment in your life, where you know nothing will ever be the same.

you wish things were the same.

the truth is they'll never be, and you'll never know who you're meant to be until you walk through this process.

until you drop in to the depths of your psyche, the depths of your womb, the depths of your Body Wisdom.

you are the Caterpillar that must choose to make herself a sarcophagus.

you decide it's time to turn within.

you decide that the external world no longer has a role for you, at least not one your willing to play.

you decide that the lie that you've been living will no longer hold up.

you decide it's time to be reborn, so you take the first step….. you go within.

you close the blinds. you close the doors. it doesn't matter who's coming along. all that matters is that you know you're ready for it.

it doesn't matter what's on the other side and the decisions you have to make to get there.

all you know is that it's better than where you come from, because it's A L I G N E D to your truth, something you have yet to touch and taste.

Womb Awakening - Pele

It doesn't matter what's on the other side.

All you know is that it's better than where you come from because it's


to your truth

it's aligned to something that you don't know is you.

you haven't even met yourself up until this point. you don't even know who you truly are and a part of you is pissed off and disgusted at that notion and a part of you is so excited, you can't wait to figure it out.

but all you have right now is the Void.

the NOT knowing.

In that not knowing, you are LIBERATED

you are liberated because you are allowed to EXPAND.


to drop in, to the primordial MAGNETIC darkness of the womb. That essence which created you is now calling you back HOME.

you are ready.

you're ready for transformation.

you're ready for death.

you're ready for the tower moment.

you are in it.

you desire to devour all parts of your old self so that the new may arise.

It’s time to RETURN.

Return to your body wisdom.

Return to the wisdom of the earth.

Return to the Wisdom of the Menses.

Mary Magdalene - Womb Awakening

It’s time to RETURN.

This is the only truth.

This is the only thing there is.

your BODY

your BLOOD


the primordial intelligence of life

it is time to reclaim it.

feet on the earth. sun in your eyes. soil in your hands. there is no returning, there is only a new beginning.

you are ready.

let's take this thing apart.

you got this sister.

If this is speaking to your Soul, JOIN ME INSIDE THE SEDUCTRESS to move through the Initiations of Womb Awakening, Cyclical Wisdom, Sacred Union, Sacred Sexuality, and learn the Feminine Arts of Womb Tending - all part of a larger Book of Wisdom that has been passed down through Time to support the process of Womb Awakening - an ancient initiatory path for women to meet & reclaim their Feminine Power.


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