Star Lineages Resurrect

Today, as I ate breakfast, I had one of those moments that I’ve been having since I experienced sudden clairvoyance in 2013. I was already feeling sensitive to the eclipse energies and knew I had to slow down.


As I was eating breakfast and listening to my music, a wave of energy came through me and I just simply knew I had to close my eyes. I had to go within.


This happens sporadically and it’s my willingness to surrender to it that allows me to go with it or not.


I was shown very clearly the activation of Star Lineages. The Lineages that were here from before the beginning of what we consider to be human history. The lineages that are overseeing our collective evolution and making sure our consciousness and light body is keeping up with the required changes at this time.

feminine star lineages


What does this all mean for our daily lives? That’s always in the background of my logical mind in case you are also thinking that.


It means we have more support beyond what we can see and potentially know. It means many will be called to turn within or turn to spirituality because there will be more intuitive hints to do so. It means our belief system around what is possible and how we show up daily must become malleable and quantum. It means many of us will start to remember, research or learn about new spiritual connections outside of what we have been told. When we connect to Star Lineages, we are accessing possibilities beyond what we logically believe to be possible or constricted by the laws of time and space.

It also means our multi-dimensional DNA is turning on. Our memories of what his-story really is will be revealed. Historical icons like Mary Magdalene, Isis and Inana to name a few will present themselves in new ways, beyond what they have been shown to be in history books.

It means our life will be redirected in ways we could never image. In ways that our logical mind cannot explain until further down the life. For example, I never imagined moving back to the northeast and working mainly from home, from a rested and nourished place, after living as a business owner in Hawai’i who didn’t know what rest was.

I never imagined continuing my studies in even deeper and more esoteric ways and evolving my work to where it is today. This entire process has helped me realize my subconscious agreement to struggle as a way of life because that’s how I saw my parents live while growing up. With the recognition of this pattern, the eclipse season gives me a vast opportunity to rewrite many neural networks that determine how then my body will respond to certain circumstances.


We are all being rewritten, in one way or another. Subtly, daily, there are things happening that give us an opportunity to shift the trajectory of our DNA. To create new possibilities of what life may look like. To redefine how we want to feel and be in the world.

What I see happening with the activation of the Star lineages is 2 things:

1.        Kryst/ Crystalline Consciousness being activated in the collective – the Pure heart Frequency calling on souls to level up

 2.        The remembrance of the Feminine in her Crystalline Consciousness. More people waking up to the importance of the Divine Feminine, the Mary Lineages and the role that the Sacred Feminine Arts plays in the rebirth of our collective consciousness.

As we reclaim the role of the Feminine, within our own lives and the collective, a new form of Heart Intelligence & Frequency will come online. It is undeniable.


Feminine Christ Consciousness



We all came from the Stars.

Some of us have memories of it.

Some of us are slowly remembering.

Some of us don’t need to remember.


But the one thing we will all eventually need to figure out is that we’ll be returning to the Stars.


And knowing this will awaken a new level of trust between the human world and the ‘unseen’ or multi-dimensional world. If we will all end up on the other side, we might as well start getting accustomed to it now.


There are particles of Light, deep within the chambers of our Heart, that connect us to the multi-verse. These particles of Light are like strings that connect us to our Star lineages – the lineages that are overseeing our time here on planet earth, making sure we stay on track and end up in the right place at the right time so to speak.


For those of you who feel called to the stars, to the unseen or to different levels of consciousness, this one is for you.


At this time, we are being asked to nourish these particles of light. As they lay dormant deep within our heart space, we must get clear with what nourishment means to us. More often than not, nourishment will be related to how we feed our Feminine Essence, no matter our gender.


As we nourish ourselves, at a soul level, we give rise to something much more valuable yet overlooked in our society – our connection to our Soul. And that is the first step to activating and resurrecting our Star Lineages. Creating time and space for the nourishment of our Soul.


Mary Magdalene the Christ



This Easter season is one of great rebirth. Rebirth of our Consciousness, of our belief systems and of what we believe to be possible in this lifetime. Just like the resurrection of Christ is celebrated by many, to me, this represents the resurrection of our Higher Consciousness, our True Star Memories, our connection to the Star lineages, our connection to that aspect of us that is beyond veil and knows it’s intimacy with the Almighty I AM Presence. This to me is Resurrection. A remembering. A calling forth our multi-dimensional Essence.  A reclaiming of our Birthright and our Magic in the world. Bringing life to the aspects of our subconscious that we have denied, repressed or forgotten.


Resurrection and Rebirth require that we let go of what no longer serves. That we get clear on what needs to change in our lives. And an eclipse season is the perfect time to do this.

Why? Well, I was hoping you’d ask….


Eclipses intensity and amplify everything in our lives. All that is going well, will go better. All this is faltering, well, will need to break away or show itself in it’s true form.


Eclipses for me are a time where the Star lineages, the Higher-aspects of our Souls, have a more direct connection to us. They are like tapping on our shoulders (or sometimes just straight up showing up during breakfast) to tell us or pull us toward our higher Soul mission.


In this eclipse season I have seen the following themes throughout sessions and group work:


1.        Taking full responsibility of our psyche and the decisions we make on how to use our energy and life force.

a.        People realizing that nothing goes unseen. All actions and thoughts will and ARE living in our life and body.

2.        Nourishment & Wealth

a.        Redefining what nourishment and wealth look like and making sure we reevaluate our daily routines to cater to these ever-so necessary aspects of our life.

3.        Getting clear on what practices, investments and people will help you navigate this next phase of your life.  

a.        Having to get rid of the clutter in life in order to narrow in on what is next for each of us. Basically, putting on our big-girl or big-boy pants and saying to ourselves: I am no longer dealing with xyz. I now choose to commit my time, energy, money and focus on xyz. This clarity is necessary for your higher-self to bring in new templates of our Soul Blueprint (for new things that are destined for you to be activated and start coming in)



For me, I am asked to get very clear and refined about how and what I share. I have been tapping into multi-dimensional realities for many years and trying to make it seem as if it’s no big deal or I’m completely normal. And, although I truly believe It’s no big deal and I really am completely normal, I also have been down-playing my gifts and ability to do this in bigger ways for the sake of not being seen.


So at this time, nourishment to me looks like creating more space in those moments during breakfast when the Star lineages come in to connect with me instead of pretending I am so busy with businessey type happenings (emails, marketing, accounting, logistics….). Right now, my focus is creating a more intimate connection with what is possible in my life and refining how I use my energy and skills in order to be in Service in more profound ways.


The Star lineages are here to remind us of the bigger story. The story beyond our daily responsibilities and paying the bills. The story that links us right back to where we came from and where we’re all going, the Stars.


So, what is being resurrected for you right now?

Womb Spiral

What are you remembering?

How will you nourish your soul this week?

What are you no longer willing to put up with?

What are you ready to go all into in this next phase of your life?



Hawai’i, Spiritual Initiation on the Feminine Path


Womb Awakening - A Message from the Goddess