Solstice Energy Updates

It is that beautiful and potent time of year when Star Alignments bring in the beauty of Order and Chaos in the name of Death and Rebirth – ultimately, realigning us to our highest Destiny and Co-Creative realities.

It was this time of year in 2012 when I connected with my Now Partner and our Spiritual connection opened the floodgates for Awakening and Ascension to take place.

It was also at this time of year when I experienced the spontaneous activation of my extrasensory abilities.

Needless to say, whether things are happening in the external physical reality or not, there are massive energetic alignments happening in the ‘background’ of our lives and all you have to do is close your eyes and go within to feel them.

A New Soul Imprint is coming online

As timelines collapse, many people are being asked to step into the New. On a personal level, I have been asked this past year of 2023 to go within and prepare. I didn’t know for what or for when. But I was being prepared, relocated, and trained for this next phase of my life. It is in this Solstice Gateway that everything is falling into place and starting to make sense. This is quite typical at this time if you have been riding the waves of your intuition in discerning ways.

Many of you are feeling this, whether in very subtle ways or very obvious ways. Sometimes we need to hear a confirmation from someone else to realize and bring forth Spiritual Power into our current Reality.

So this is it.

This is your Permission Slip to believe that the next era of your life is ready for you.

And I’m not talking about New Year’s Goals or Manifestations. I’m talking about the Next Level of your Essence, of your Spirit, of your Soul Blueprint, coming online for a Greater Purpose, one that may be beyond your imagination.

If you want to explore this deeper, our recent New Moon Ceremony on the Monthly Membership was all about finding clarity for this Next version of us, stepping outside of the Mental Body and realigning to the Galactic Center so that we may walk the Path that is our Soul Destiny.

You see, this physical and material world can have us walking all kinds of paths. With the amount of marketing, mental over-stimulation, and blatant mind control that happens, it is a Miracle if we are capable of somewhat connecting to a fraction of what our Truth is in our day-to-day reality.

This is why this time is so important. The stars come in at this time and it’s as if they are ‘parting the waters’ of our subconscious mind. They are giving us an opportunity to Peak into what it means to be Spiritually Aware in this human form. It is a time when your Higher aspects are more readily available and can tap you on your shoulder and show you what you’re made of, what you’re really here to do, and who you’re here to be.

Starseed awakening

The stars come in at this time and it’s as if they are ‘parting the waters’ of our subconscious mind.

Stepping into the New

There is a new Soul Imprint (really just your Higher Aspects or Soul Expression) willing and ready to come online. Can you feel it? Can you feel a subtle fire or maybe even a strong lioness roar to step into the New?

This can feel like a big letting go or having to face what has been lurking in the background of your mind for a year or two.

These star alignments like that of the Solstice and the Equinox open portals of heightened realignment. It’s like a Magic Wand from our Higher Self is waved and says, â€œBe Gone! We are complete. Let us move on.” LOL. At least that’s the feeling of this one for the time being. 

Believe the insight and intuitive guidance that you receive at this time and know that it will require you to Level Up, learn new skills, and take a real look in the Mirror at who you are and what you are here for. Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that just because something is aligned it will be easy. I have found that the most aligned actions in my life have taken the most courage and have asked me time and time again to let go of who I thought I was in order to allow for the TRUTH of all I AM to step forth.

This is a wonderful opportunity to notice what parts of your Soul and Human expression feel complete so that you may create space for the New.

Sacred feminine wisdom

This is a wonderful opportunity to notice what parts of your Soul and Human expression feel complete so that you may create space for the New.

Now, the new is not always just right around the corner. Sometimes, stepping into the New means making a mental decision, writing down a strategy, and creating the foundations for the next version of you, even if it feels months or years away.

I think people get confused when we say, there is a new soul imprint coming in, or You are ready for the New. There is a sense of activation or acceleration, a Spike in the energy field if you will. The person gets excited for a few days or weeks and then, the energy starts to fizzle.

They find themselves in the same rut they were feeling in the first place, and perhaps, even feeling a sense of failure because the NEW hasn’t ‘manifested’ yet. This is a BIG issue with the distortion of spiritual teachings. When there is something new coming online, we must remember the Laws of Nature.

Divine feminine Ascension

When there is something new coming online, we must remember the Laws of Nature.

When you plant a seed, how long does it take to sprout? How long does it take to grow? How much energy, time, resources, and love does it require to grow into a tree or a fruit-giving plant?

We forget the cyclical nature of life and how we are walking an eternal spiral. The intentions, structure, and discipline you put into place today, may not bear fruit for weeks, months, or maybe even years to come.

That doesn’t mean you are a failure. That means that your spirit has a very high-frequency plan of action that requires a lot of support to ground itself into your life.

Quantum leaping is done in the NOW but when it lands in this reality, it can take a long time to ‘permeate’ or ‘stabilize’ into your field or your life.

This is also why some people will quantum leap but not be able to sustain it, so again, within months or a few years, everything falls apart. The structure, or the ‘soil’ let’s say, was never rooted with the foundations it required.

So this is a simple reminder that in this holy season through the end of January, you take good care of yourself. You get very real and raw about what is working in your life and what isn’t.

And from that clarity, you can plant the seeds for your Cosmic Blueprint and Higher Self to turn around and say, “Look at her/him. Looks like they’re serious about change. Let’s keep an eye out and see what else they are willing to do in order to activate these new parts of their Soul lineage’.

Reclaiming our Multi-dimensional Lineage

There is a point in time on our journey when we are asked to reclaim our multi-dimensional selves. This is the part of us that remembers who we are and where we come from beyond our human ancestors. For me, this reclaiming has been very real and has shown itself clearly via the Divine Feminine Ascension process.

Because of the Star Alignments, this is the perfect time to reclaim your Multi-dimensional / Star lineage. For those of you Starseeds or Star Souls who feel very connected to the Universe, this is your time to Shine and call them in or set the intention to begin interacting with this part of your Higher Self. Trust that you will be shown the way.

If this is something that calls you, keep your eyes open for the Light Bearer Path in the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts, where we explore our connection to the Stars and how to make that a Practical Part of our everyday reality.

Solstice energy support

TIPS for this Solstice Gateway

- Make space to go within. I can’t stress this enough. If there is no ‘space’ in your life how can you expect something ‘New’ to happen.

- Take on an embodied meditation practice by joining the Monthly Membership. This month, we focused on finding Safety in Slowing down. (Believe it or not, your body will self-sabotage your ability to slow down because it knows what happens if you do…read the blog above if you’re wondering what can happen!! LOL )

- Sit in Darkness. OMG – I love this. It is highly activating to your Pineal Gland. It softens your Nervous System and it literally aligns your Bodies (mental, physical, and spiritual) to your Truth.

- Listen. Turn off stimulation. Turn off the noise. Turn off the mind. Sit and listen to Sounds that activate your Soul. These sounds come from 2 places – Nature or Frequency music (they are one and the same really). Allow the vibration of these Sounds to touch your Spirit.

- Be Kind – in this potent time of year, S*it comes up. This is a reminder to be KIND to yourself and those around you. Set the intention to see things from a new perspective and watch your Heart Respond.

It is M A G I C.

-- Create space for Magic! This is by far the most enhanced time of the year for magical opportunities. Create space in your body, mind and home for Magic to flow through!

-Align your Body Rhythm to that of Earth - Sun & Moon. At this time, there are big shifts in our electromagnetic field. The easiest and most powerful way to realign our energy is to sun gaze, ground or moon bathe. Notice which calls to you and make sure to get that Sacred one-on-One time with the Solar & Lunar Intelligence available at this time. This shifts our hormones, our emotional field and our ability to realign to our Highest Destiny.

Do you Desire an Energetic Boost?

Would you like support in Quantum Leaping?

Are you ready for confirmation or guidance on what to specifically implement for your Soul’s Journey?

Book a session with me.

I’d love to support you in the process of Spiritual Integration.

If you have enjoyed this blog and find it useful, please share it with others! It helps me spread this knowledge and support more people which I love to do!


S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts


Divine Feminine Ascension