Divine Feminine Ascension

The Ascension process is the elevation of frequency within our physical body as it grounds our spiritual body. It is a returning home to who we truly are.

Religions, spiritual organizations, and mystery schools all have some notion of ascension in their teachings whether they use this word or not. It is often symbolically referred to as the raising of one’s spiritual consciousness, eventually touching and merging with Unity Consciousness.

When this merging is integrated, a deep soul remembrance of being One with Source, God, Creator (however you choose to refer to it). Is activated. For me, it came up and continues to come up as extreme states of Bliss, Zero-point Stillness, and Grief. Many Sufis and great teachers will explain this activation as a simple knowing. There is nothing to explain, nothing to confirm, nothing to prove. You just know.

And when this Knowing occurs, there is a great force that is birthed within you. I call it the Great Mother Awakening, requiring you to take Sacred Responsibility for this birth or Great Return you have been made witness to.

This is the basis of the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts. A knowing that we are all on this path of Returning, Remembering, and Reclaiming our God-essence, and there are Great Responsibilities and Duties that come along with it. I believe this second part is something very specific to the Feminine Path of Ascension.

There are Great Responsibilities and Duties that come with your Ascension Path.

The S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is a practical curriculum of integrating Higher Wisdom and Higher Frequencies into our everyday lives, taking into account our responsibility for the creation that is the world around us.

There is no doubt about it. There is a rise in collective consciousness and people all over the world are awakening to the Truth of who they are, who they came here to be, and where they come from. When the majority of the earth realizes this internal knowing, the world as we know it will cease to exist and a new one, based on the principles of Love, Purity, Joy, Peace, Creation, and Universal Wisdom will be birthed.

Until that moment happens, we are taking on this responsibility for ourselves. We are asked to be the Reverend and Preacher of our own souls. We are asked to step up and Awaken to our True Potential.

The Divine Feminine Ascension Path

The Divine Feminine Ascension Path is a practical approach to Spiritual integration. It is the merging of Universal Wisdom right through our Heart centers, inevitably  allowing us to shine just like the Stars do.

A Divine Feminine Ascension Path teaches us how to embody Higher Frequencies by weaving Spiritual Knowledge into our everyday lives.  

In many more modern-day spiritual traditions (a few hundred years old) there is a large emphasis on detachment, letting go and being an individual with your Spiritual Journey. Via the Divine Feminine Path, your Spiritual Path cannot be done alone. In fact, it can only be done relative to everything and everyone around you.

Pillars of Divine Feminine Ascension

There are certain Pillars to this Lineage that I have found to be unique when compared to other spiritual traditions.  These are discussed within the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.

I   Sacred Union - not only with God but with you Beloved  Partner.
II  Embodied Wisdom -  Your Body is the center of the Feminine Ascension Process and your life, a reflection of it. 

III Integrated Magic - Your ability to live and create a life of Magic within the Mundane of the Human Experience.

Divine Feminine Ascension takes into consideration the realities and difficulties of this human experience as it walks you toward the higher frequency of your Soul. It is an integration of High Spiritual Wisdom with your daily, Human experience, weaving the two in Divine Harmony.

Distorted Spiritual Teachings

With the rise of spirituality, it is expected that spiritual knowledge get watered down and in the process, distorted. It is no mistake that ascension has been made to be a distorted, outsourced, non-human process that only gods and other non-human beings can experience. If human beings woke up to the possibility of holding infinite love and light in their hearts there would be no more wars. There would be no more hate. There would be no more reason to judge, complain, blame, shame, guilt, feel lack, overpower, etc.

What then would people do with their time and energy?

Think about it. Have you ever tried to go an entire day, week, or month without the aforementioned actions? If you have, you know very well the magic and essence that begins to brew within you. It may look out of this world for people around you. You may even start to notice that you become invisible or a non-factor to your immediate environment because most people do not know how to interact with this frequency.

Divine Feminine Ascension is an embodied spiritual path, where we integrate the truth of this reality with the heightened essence of our God-source.

In modern traditional lineages, the ascension process has been taught as a form of detachment, letting go or renouncing the human experience. The truth is, the people teaching these principles were in some form or another, taken care of. They were fed, housed, and supported to do the work of so-called detachment.

You cannot renounce your reality and expect to walk into your rainbow body on your own. There will always be a structure, a lineage, a space of containment that is holding you throughout the process.

This is what the feminine is here to teach us. That life in itself is never just about You, your god-self, or your ability to reach certain levels of heightened spirituality.

The Feminine teaches us that we are here as a whole. That my ascension is your ascension. That my war is your war. That my behaviors have a ripple effect across the cosmos and someone must take responsibility for it.

The Divine Feminine Ascension Path is a spiritual path that brings you back into your body. That shows you how to activate your DNA and your rainbow-light body from the Inside & Out, without ever renouncing who you are, your primal self, your desires, and your Divine human experience.

My Divine Feminine Ascension Story

When I was brutally awakened by the Ascension Rose Lineages, it had been a few years into my ‘spiritual awakening’. I was suddenly ‘turned on’ in 2013 and had access to the inner plane of my Akashic Records, although I had no idea what I was doing or what that meant at the moment.

I had been meditating for hours and hours at a time, without being able to function appropriately in the world. I was losing touch with reality, had little to no appetite for food or the human experience, and was quickly losing hope for humanity. I was so disconnected from this human life that I felt more alive in meditation than with my eyes open.

Thankfully, the Feminine Ascension Lineages of the Rose came to my rescue. I share a lot about this in my book   and within the Seductress Path within the School. It was the start of a Descension Journey that saved my life.

Up until then, I had been studying with teachers and seeing healers and no one ever told me I was unhealthy or out of balance. Instead, they would just look at me as if there could be ‘no judgment’ on my experience and had nothing to say about it, when in fact, I was deeply depressed and incapable of being a normal human. In this case, it is very obvious that someone’s ‘judgment’ would have been very beneficial to me. I was in desperate need of spiritual guidance and did not know how to navigate the multidimensional realms.

Looking back, I realize how deeply distorted this experience was. The Feminine Ascension lineages are here to remind us that if we are not falling in love with this human experience, with this human journey, with this Here and Now, we are not elevating our consciousness. We are going into very dangerous territory and walking away from the whole point of this human experience.

Mainstream Spirituality

As more people awaken on our planet, we are required to look more closely into what is going mainstream in spiritual communities. Concepts like a judgment could have truly supported my mental and spiritual bodies but instead, people overlooked it, knowing that it was in ‘divine order’.

There is a very fine line when it comes to spiritual teachings, and this is why they have been kept a secret for so long. It takes a container, a guide, study, practice, discernment, and most important embodiment. The embodiment of spiritual teachings has always been a part of the Divine Feminine Ascension Lineages.

In our everyday reality, we must ask ourselves, what is working and what is not. I have found in my journey of spiritual integration that there are more things NOT working out in the world than there are. 

What I have found in my experience is that many spiritual teachings have been misinterpreted, manipulated, or distorted to support whoever is writing them. Many people are living in disembodied states like I did, and calling it high frequency, when in fact, it is very disconnected from what the Masters and the ancient texts have shared with us. At the time, I had no idea what the Feminine Lineage was or what womb wisdom was, but I can tell you looking back that without it, I’m not sure I would be here today.

Many times, spiritual communities are drowning in poverty consciousness while pointing the finger and judging everyone around them, not realizing they are living in victim consciousness.

If you look into the Ascension lineages who came here to plant seeds of consciousness for humanity, they were always part of royal lineages. They were funded with great wealth and support. They knew that this physical reality came with certain rules and structures that had to be lived by.

It’s time we poke our heads up from the covers and start asking ourselves:

If I were God, is this what I would create?

It’s really time we start poking our heads up from the covers and asking ourselves; If I were God, is this what I would create?

This question alone will tell you everything you need to know about your spiritual journey. And I’m not talking about the world you see out there. I’m referring to the world you see within yourself.

The Divine Feminine Path turns the finger on you and makes you the Center, the Womb if you will, of your Universe.

 S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts  is a practical path of Spiritual Integration that allows you to nurture Universal Wisdom, from the Inside & Out.  The Curriculum is based on over 10 years of not only connecting with the Inner Plane but having to live and integrate many intense Initiations on the Physical plane.

Divine Feminine Lineages

The Divine Feminine Ascension Path is the lineage of many great masters that we see in religious texts and in sacred sites all around the world.

These lineages go back to the beginning of time and can be traced to ancient civilizations such as Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, and Sumeria. There is a lot of archeological proof being uncovered at this time to show us the drastic similarities these civilizations all shared in their spiritual belief systems and technologies. Many known masters such as Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Buddha, Isis, and Inanna were of this same lineage. 

These lineages knew their connection to the Stars and their Creator-Consciousness and were very clear on what and why they were here on Earth. They were clear on how deeply difficult the human experience could be and what they were here to hold for the Collective.

The Lemurian Rose Lineage

While living in Hawai’i, I was given the Lemurian Rose Templates. These are the templates to support us in merging the Divine and Physical planes while merging with our Star Ancestors.

The Lemurian Rose Frequency is intertwined with the Ascension Lineages. The Souls that are here to support a rise in consciousness, embody the Great Awakening, and embody the Ascension, will be called to this frequency. It is a deeply ancient, celestial, and earth-based way of integrating your Spirit and Human bodies.

The Lemurian Rose Templates support us in merging the Divine and Physical planes while merging with our Star Ancestors.

This Frequency is intertwined with the Ascension Lineages. It is a deeply ancient, celestial, and earth-based way of integrating your Spirit and Human bodies.

The Lemurian Rose Frequency is closely tied to Creation and the pollination of Love Consciousness. It has been here since the beginning of time and is now being uncovered once again for our collective psyche to pick up on it, as we adventure through the greatest human transformation ever known to mankind.

The Lemurian Rose Lineage asks that you embody your spiritual journey. That you make it practical. That you return to the simplicities of your human ascension process, as difficult as it may seem.

If a lot of what you see in the awakening or spirituality world just doesn’t do it for you (meaning, it’s nice. It’s cool. But there’s something more and you know it…) your Soul may be asking for something more. Something deeply ancient, deeply rooted in High Wisdom and intricately connected to your Star Lineage.

If you are called to a path of Divine Feminine Ascension, The S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is officially launching in 2024 and we have just opened enrollment for the First Path of Initiation, that of the SEDUCTRESS.

Stick around for what is to come. We are here to anchor and pollinate the embodiment of the Divine Feminine Ascension.

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