This is a Self-Study immersion of the Divine Feminine Teachings to activate your Womb's Wisdom and Creatrix Codes.

It is a holistic immersion that combines Mind & Body practices to embody the Feminine in Practical yet Powerful Ways.


Feeling Disconnected from Life

Using Birth Control or other forms of Fertility control that affect your body’s Natural Rhythm

Experience Painful periods or are disconnected to your Womb 

Have experienced Abortion or Miscarriage

Experience Sexual loss, Shame, Guilt or Blame

Unable to Create a life of Pleasure & Desire


Know and Love your Feminine Power

Love your Period

Get intimate with your Desires, Pleasures & Sexual Force

Embrace your Inner Shadow

Close energetic ties with past relationships and Womb Loss

Reclaim a deeper Level of Love with Self and in Divine Relationship

Anchor into your Gifts

Activate your Creatrix* Codes

WW Mentorship Landing Page (4).jpg

Creatrix Codes* =

dormant and suppressed information in the Matrix of our Womb

This Work is needed Now more than ever as we move through a Collective Shift of Consciousness. The Wisdom that lives inside you yearns to be Revealed.

This is a path Back to the Sacred.

As younger generations blur the line between Love and Sex, Mind and Body, Heart & Womb, the Collective will continue to see the Ripple Effects.

Meanwhile, certain souls will be called to Reclaim the Wisdom of their Wombs and have it reawakened back on Earth.



Embodiment Meditations

Embodiment Practices & Songs

Rituals & Practices to Activate & Awaken your Unique Journey with the Divine Feminine



Getting familiar with your Deep Feminine Wound | Activate Self Mastery | Emotional Alchemy


Activating & Living the Feminine | Honoring Your Feminine | Activating the Womb Heart | Embracing all the Stages




Multidimensional Womb Wellness | The Moon & the Divine Feminine | Expressing your Womb

Fertility & the Truth about Birth Control | Abortion & Miscarriage


Healing Your Womb, Foundations for Healing | Moving through the Pain Body | True Cord-Cutting | Tools for Healing


Sexual Energy | Sex as Vitality & the Ka Body | Awakening & Using True Sexual Energy | The Energetics of Pleasure | Tools to Awaken the Sexual Force




Conscious Relating | Magnetizing your Partner | Sacred Sexuality | The Power of Celibacy |The Power of Divine Union | Conscious Uncoupling

New Codes & Activations for the Divine Feminine | Rose Teachings | Closing Ceremony

Hi, I'm Celeste and I was called to the Teachings of the Divine Feminine in 2013. It started as a Yearning and a Curiosity for Something more. I craved to experience this Life from a Deeper place of Belonging and Connection.

There is a call at this time of Great Transition for the Feminine to Birth the New Earth. I am here to support you through this unfolding path of finding out what your Role is and how to Navigate it.

We can no longer have doubt, fear or uncertainty about the topics mentioned above. It is time to Awaken the True Love Frequency within us and Understand our Sexual Force for the Power it truly holds.

There is Wisdom stored deeply within your Womb and this work will help Reawaken it, one petal at a time.

There are no Refunds after 48 hours upon your Start Date.

It's Time To:

Understand the True Power of your Womb- Transmute shame, trauma and guilt

Identify and Work through Ancestral wounds

Reclaim your Bodies Wisdom & Divine Gifts

Create a life of Pleasure & Desire

Command your Power

Understand the True Sexual Force

Heal your relationship with the Feminine & Masculine

Get Intimate with the Mysteries of the Feminine that live Within you

There is no more time for Settling.

If you are called to dive deep & Create a life you dream of, to shift the way you feel about your Body, Sex, Pleasure, your Period, Manifesting, then you already know what to do. I trust your Intuition has guided you far enough.

The Rose has called and together we will hold you through this process.

What Womben Are Saying

"You have helped me build a happier life. I see things differently. I can see how this Knowledge will change my life for years to come and how I can now share it with my girls as they grow into women. I catch myself speaking differently to my 3-year-old daughter and my husband. I see them differently and so appreciate this point of view. I am less reactive and more willing (and able!) to hold the Peace. It's incredible!"

“I love listening to your insight and wisdom. I have delved into the Divine Feminine before, but never heard it like this. It’s powerful.”


“I can’t wait to share this with my daughters when they are ready. It has changed my life drastically already, imagine growing up with it!”

“I’m already seeing a change with the way I walk through the world. How I speak to my lover, to my kids, even to myself. I see so many things I couldn’t before. Thank you.”

“Today, at 42 years of age, I feel Happy and at Peace. In Celeste's Mentorship, I Realized, I Recognized myself, I Loved myself, I Forgave myself. I learned to Listen, to Wait, to Trust. Today, I believe in myself, I Know who I AM and I know I want to continue learning. I no longer pretend to follow outdated family patterns that do not serve and I am teaching my Daughter that being a Woman is Wonderful, no matter what Creative Path she chooses to live. My relationship with my husband has been Revolutionized and I have more Love & Understanding with my four children than ever before.”

“I love the way you layout the information. It’s deep, it’s wise and yet it’s digestible.”


“The sessions are so deep. Learning about so many aspects of being a woman. Being able to see my past differently, understand what I’m living now and redefining what my future years will look and feel like is invaluable.

"Celeste’s mentorship was exceptionally Raw and Real. A journey of inner-exploration to the aspects of Self so many of us have ignored. Our wombs, our Womanhood, our lives, ourselves. Womb Wisdom opened my eyes and Heart to the places I’ve been creating from Lack & Fear. She brought me back to myself by helping me acknowledge the Power that I AM.

Thank you."

“These topics are not easy to transmit and yet, you make it so easy to comprehend. Thank you.”


The course is full of practical tools, powerful practices and esoteric wisdom that Celeste somehow makes easy to understand.”

“I’m realizing I can be such a different mother, wife, daughter, lover. I feel the Power of Being a Woman more than ever before.”


“I finally feel comfortable and proud to be a woman. I can’t wait to share this information with my daughters when they are ready.”


“You have helped me see life through different eyes. I am able to navigate many difficulties that before felt ‘out of my control’ and would take the best of me.You have taught me to have the Wisdom and Strength needed to see life’s difficulties through. I cannot express how helpful this is as a mother of a newborn baby.”

“I feel a deep psychological rewriting of many concepts I’ve had a hard time understanding in the past. The transformation is in the moment, in the present and it’s incredible to watch it happen.”


“Thank you so much for helping me see what the Divine Feminine is and giving me my true self back.”


“I am seeing layers peel away I didn’t know were there and I feel the strength inside to see it through. This has been a very eye-opening experience and I’m already sharing so much with the women in my life.

Simply Profound.

“There is real Magic to this Work.

A Deeply Alchemical process that must be lived

by every Womban on this planet.”

Q & A

How long do I have access?

One year from your start date.

Is this course Live?

Starting 2022, this course is fully Pre-recorded. Live sessions are no longer held.

Is there a private session included?

Private sessions with Celeste are not included.

How much time does this Mentorship require?

It varies from person to person. Some women may Wiz through one section while others need to spend 1 month on it. This is your Body’s Wisdom being Activated and that is hard to put into ‘Time Blocks’. We all have different pain points and places that require more time.

How do I know it’s for me?

- You know it’s for you if:

  • You feel the call. She comes in different words and Symbols. She can appear as the Rose, the Womb, The Darkness, The Divine Feminine, The Divine Mother.

  • You resonate with the above words (frequencies).

  • You can’t anchor into your Life or Live the Life you Truly Desire or know you Deserve.

  • You believe life is ‘Hard’ and it just has to be that way.

  • You’ve experienced or had in your family lineage betrayal, abuse, self-sabotage.

  • You’ve experienced a Miscarriage, Abortion or other loss of life in your womb.

This mentorship is NOT for you if:

  • You are seeking Initiation into a specific Group or Following.

  • You are Not ready to deeply examine your life and your shadow aspects.

  • You are Not Open to talking about Sexuality.

  • You are focused on Gender-based or Women’s Empowerment Conversations.

Do you provide Payment plans?

Yes! Please contact me at