The Regenerative Void

There’s a silence in the air. A background of Stillness. Can you feel it? After April’s Eclipse Season, it feels like the settling of sand after a windy storm. Stillness. Calm. Even Void-like sensations.

This season is one of restructuring templates. When I work with energy healing & quantum realignment, there are moments when a client comes in and is ready for a complete restructuring of their life. This requires a ‘rewrite’ of their energy systems as if we are erasing an old software system and uploading a new one. And it literally looks like an old disk of information is being replaced with a futuristic one that includes new timelines and creations.

This is what we are living right now as a collective. If you have been feeling a whole different kind of life just busted through your doors, I’d like to take a moment to integrate this new software system together.


At a quantum level, big shifts are happening with the magnetic grids of Earth and the galaxy. At a practical level, this means we’re all getting a ‘software reset’ for lack of better words. There are opportunities right now to shift the way we think, how we relate to our most sacred relationships, and what we believe is possible for us to create long-term.

In the past, the way we created or ‘manifested’ was very logical. It was very brain-based and ego-centric. Right now, our DNA is shifting. How we relate to the Quantum Field and our Higher Self is getting an upgrade. We have an opportunity right now to release old desires and creations that no longer align to our Soul Mission and are currently distracting us from what we’re here to do. When we empty ourselves of the nonsense distractions, we create space for Quantum Possibilities to unfold. This is what this Void is asking us to integrate.

I think the hardest part of this process is letting go of the things we are so accustomed to. The old routines, commitments and ‘responsibilities’ we’ve taken on that make us feel safe and seen by our environment. Often times, when these template rewrites occur, we are asked to leave behind old communities, conversations or behaviors that have locked us into an old reality, and our human mind likes that. It likes to know that it’s doing what it has always done and the people around us feel comfortable with it too. But how are we to move on to a new frontier with old habits and belief systems?

When our Higher Self is ready to Create new Quantum possibilities, we must be courageous. We have to be willing to walk away from things that make us feel ‘seen’ or ‘safe’ for the sake of stepping into something completely nonexistent to our current mindset. When we decide to do this, the gates of creation open up and a new horizon is laid before us. I believe many are starting to feel and see this right now. Just this last week, a whole new way of living opened up for my husband and I. After having recently moved from Hawai’i to the New York area, I never imagined such large changes coming in. In my mind, changes were complete for a few years to come! But that was me thinking small and not allowing new possibilities to arrive, just because that’s my logical mind works that way.

So my question to you is: Where are you holding yourself back just by thinking logically? Where are you holding on to old commitments, conversations, belief systems or habits that you know you are ready to grow beyond? Where are you feeling dull or heavy with your day to day lifestyle? And what are you willing to do or be about it?


Here’s where the funny part kicks in.

In the past, when something like this would come in, our logical minds would go straight into ‘getting it done’. Make the lists. Do the research. Put it into action.

Instead, it’s been silence. Deep, Embodied, Integrated T R U S T is what we are being asked to do.

Instead of speeding up, we’ve been asked to slow down. To rest. To create new routines and neural networks within our heart and brains for these new possibilities to unfold. (Yes, we are responsible for doing that consciously).

I can feel in the background of life something is changing and our job right now is to trust the process. I saw in my vision recently how before the seeds are planted, the soil must be made fertile. The compost must be distributed and the soil must simply receive with the passing of time: sun light, star light, moon light. Sounds of birds, rain showers, blessings.

Before there is anything planted, the soil must be honored and regenerated to create a foundation that becomes unshakable.

And this is what’s happening in the background of our lives this eclipse season. The energetic shifts are so grand that we are required to reset. Our magnetic fields are shifting. Our heart waves are realigning. Our brain waves are readjusting. Our ability to be self-conscious and co-create new timelines is refining. And instead of having to ‘do’ so many things, we must tune into the Sacred Wisdom of the Feminine and Trust that these systems have the intelligence of EONS and they are doing what they do best, rearranging patterns of Creation within the very templates of our Being.

Basically, chill out. Rest. Learn what it means to nourish yourself when there is nothing to distract yourself with. Learn how to turn off distractions so new things can happen. Learn how to pick up new habits or behaviors that will settle you into deeper TRUST of this human experience. Settle into the VOID that once created the entire reality before your eyes. It has a bit more years of experience on you…


This means at a physical level, we are requiring more rest. More space. More emptiness in between moments. I am finding that in the in-between is where the magic begins to show itself. Remember, if we are too busy doing the old things, there is no space for the new to come in.

Physical detox symptoms are very common at this time. Headaches, body aches, food changes and much (MUCH) more sleep may be required. This is because some of these shifts can only happen when our conscious mind is out of the way. I am noticing that I’ve been getting very sleepy right around sunset and my food patterns have been shifting to accommodate for more digestive time in between meals.

Begin to notice if there are any subtle (or not-so-subtle) shifts that are being asked of you and honor them at this time. Keep your body strong and keep it moving. Movement is key in times when our physical bodies receive these upgrades.

And remember to create SPACE. Allow for the VOID to be a part of your daily routine. This may mean you have to ‘do less’, be ‘less busy’ or have ‘less work’. Instead of going into moments of fear, go within. Develop trust. Have faith that something new is unfolding and it is needing some time to ‘fertilize’ the new templates of your future.


If you’ve been feeling the same, I’d love to hear from you! DM me on Instagram at @celestegluz1111 or tag me with your recent subtle shifts. We are all being rebirthed in magnificent ways and the more we allow ourselves to be seen in our unique way, the more give permission for others to do the same.

Sending you much Love & Aloha.


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