New Year, New Opportunities, Higher Vision

Hello Beauties, and Happy New Year! Is anyone else feeling the energy of 22 and the Divine Mother coming in? Maybe itā€™s not through that exact lens, but 99% of you I am in touch with have recently gone through or decided to take on some MAJOR life changes, and that is WAY too exciting. Not easy, but definitely exciting.

Well, today, Iā€™m sharing what Iā€™ve been called to do as I too am asked to Level Up and take on something new. As you know, for the last decade, Iā€™ve been following the guidance of the Divine Feminine (without consciously realizing it or putting those words to it). This listening has taken me on a wild ride, into places, ideas, and opportunities I could have never imagined, yet always seemed to fall perfectly into alignment with a Higher Destiny.

Since opening Mu Barre & Temple, Iā€™ve been called to go within in and trust a bigger picture that was being birthed in the background. Via cyclical living and receiving the Magic of my Cycle, I was told something new would be birthed, even after we had opened doors.

Birthing a Higher Vision

Upon seeing the deep transformation that is happening with many members (more on that in the next blog!) I was asked to reflect upon how we could create a sacred community space to move forward and deeper into. Iā€™ve been asking things like:

  • How can I support, instead of separate, our community at this time?

  • How can I empower people and remind them what they are truly made of?

  • What does it mean to Grow together instead of Apart?

  • What solutions can we create as a community for people seeking unity, comfort, safety, and guidance at this time?

I opened Mu Barre and Temple with the idea that, although itā€™s not legally a ā€œTempleā€, it would hold that same energetic space for anyone who visited. Even before I had a physical space, I had set the intention of creating this energetic frequency in any gathering I would call forth.

Takeaway from 2020 - 2021

If there is one thing that has become extremely obvious to almost anyone I speak to, itā€™s that we need change. Our way of living has become unsustainable to ourselves and to our planet and itā€™s obvious. At the beginning of 2020 I received a clear message from the Divine Mother, stating she would be doing some major cleanup for a while. Now, in 2022, it feels like many of us have received the call to support this process and are being asked to take action in cleaning up our lives, our thoughts, our bodies and our communities.

Becoming a Legally Recognized Temple

As we move into this next phase of humanity, the ā€œNew Normalā€ will require new structures. We need solutions that will support our highest growth and evolution, without feeling like we will be judged, excluded, or reprimanded for our beliefs and medical opinions. I believe a Temple/Church/etc. is a Safe Space where one goes to reconnect with that Greater Aspect of Self, call it God, Source, Consciousness (however you choose to name it). A sacred space where you can go to find your answers and not be turned away.

With that being said, Iā€™m happy, humbled, overwhelmed, grateful (and all the other emotions that come with it), to announce that we have been guided to open Lemuria Rose Temple, a 508c(1)a, legally recognized Church, in order to protect our ability to continue supporting our community no matter what happens in the coming years.

Committing to this Journey

As an alternative medicine & healing practitioner, I see this space turning into something so magical, so beyond even my own imagination, that I canā€™t put words to what we are truly becoming. What I can say is the following:

The Divine Feminine has led me to this point and will continue to guide me forward. I am committed to be in Service to a Higher Mission that will Birth the New platforms needed for Humanity to move forward in Unity, Peace, Love and Health.

This is what I know, and this is what I follow. This is what guides me and what I trust. In Service, I will proceed. We will continue furthering our mission of creating a Temple space that will anchor the Divine Feminine codes and lead us into spiritual sovereignty, expanded human consciousness and alternative forms of healing for the mind, body and spirit.

What does this Mean for Us?

Things wonā€™t change much on your end, but it will on ours. Hereā€™s a few bullet points to know:

 1.     Mu Barre & Temple will be home to Lemuria Rose Temple, a legally recognized church, protecting our organization under the First Amendment to practice spiritual sovereignty and connect to our religion in the way that best suits us.

2.    Under this protection, healing modalities such as yoni-steaming, energy healing, herbal support, essential oils and other alternative forms of ā€˜remembering our bodies wisdomā€™ will be fully protected, meaning there wonā€™t be shutdowns if people are genuinely in need and benefiting from these services.

3.    Once recognized, some of your memberships will become tax-deductible.

4.    Lemuria Rose Temple will be able to provide Religious Exemptions for Active Members in the case they need it for work or school.

5.    As we grow our new structure and community, it will allow us to increase outreach and offer services to those in need, who may not have had access previously.

6. This will be a Private Membership Space, meaning in order to be a part of or receive services provided, you will be asked to join the Temple.

For me, it means I need your help, because we canā€™t do it alone.

Our first event to support this transition will be on the weekend of January 22nd. We will be hosting a silent auction full of goods & services from local businesses and artists based in Kailua, Oahu and from others in our extended community.

I invite you to participate in this next chapter by attending in-person OR onlineā€”whatever most honors you and your journey. Iā€™d like to share this invitation with anyone whose spirit resonates with our larger mission and who gets the bigger mission. Gather with us to support and celebrate (virtually or physically) as we co-create this next chapter of Mu Barre & Temple.

 I am so thrilled, grateful and overwhelmed (in a good way) by all of it and Iā€™m even more grateful for you, dear reader. Because without us coming together, none of this would be possible.

Details for Whatā€™s Next

You can donate to our cause here: Donate to Lemuria Rose Temple

Join the Live Silent Auction

Join our Weekend Open House & Silent Auction:

Friday, January 21st, 2022

6:30pm, Lemurian Rose Sound Bath: Reserve Your Spot

Saturday, January 22nd, 2022

10:30am, Barre 101: Reserve Your Spot

1:30pm - 2:30, Grounding the Feminine Workshop : What does it mean and how to do it - open to All

2:30pm, Yoni-steam consultations - by Walk-In

6:30pm, Silent Auction  Party! Reserve your spot - Under Silent Auction Celebration

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

11:15am  - 12:15,  Barre, Meditate & Sound: Reserve Your Spot

12:30pm, Emotional Wisdom with Essential Oils with LeeYen - walk-in

 2:00pm, Coming Back to the Heart with Anela - walk-in

3:30pm, Earth to Self - All embracing Healthcare with Chloe Bee

Monday, January 24th, 2022

11am - 2pm, Energy Sessions by Donation: please reserve by emailing


Beyond the Barre and into the Temple


Unique Barre Formats with Mu Rose Temple