27. Return of the Divine Feminine

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I feel like it's been quite a long time since I've sat here with you. And I'm excited to share what is coming through at this time. 

With the Equinox upon us and so much incredibly deep and transformative energy that is happening at this time. I too had to take some time off and go within and answer the call. 

And believe it or not, I tend to resist that call because stepping away from routine and what we know, what I know to be my day-to-day is hard. Even though I am in this understanding of Cyclical Living, Menstrual Cycle Awareness and the Rhythms of Nature, it is still a part of my programming, to want to stay in routine to want to stay in the known. 

So these past few weeks and months have been quite a ride, quite a transformative journey and one that leaves me to do nothing but to surrender. 

Right, like when we talk about the Divine Feminine, she asks us first and foremost before she could even open the door to something new, we have to surrender.

This is something that I come back to over and over again. It sounds easy, right?

Let go just surrender, just Stop.

But when we are truly asked to surrender, it means to almost in the physical, it could look like going backwards, to literally let go of and stop doing and showing up for what we believe in our logical mind to be the utmost importance. That brings up triggers.

It brings up at least for me, a wanting to push forward because in this society, unless you're showing up and you know hustling for something.

What is your Value?

What is your Worth?

These are the things that I've been sitting with in the past few weeks and months. How can I allow myself to surrender?

And I have to say that I haven't even given myself space to completely clear my calendar. But I'm doing the best I can. This is where I am now. So the return of the Divine Feminine is what is happening at this time. This is what I brought forth.

Last year, when the Divine Feminine came to me and put me to work the Mentorship, the Planner, and everything that you see that I do is all this energy that's working through me. As humans continue to anchor in and receive more light, as we continue to walk through these gateways, and the stargates, that I always talk about these passages of very high intense transformational energy.

The Divine Feminine continues to pour out her essence into us. And something that has been strongly been at the forefront of my experience these last few weeks and months is the coming back and the returning of the cosmic womb. Now I'm not going to go too much into these concepts, because I think that they can be a little Esoteric and Mystical.

Right now, I want to keep it as grounded and practical as possible. But what I am seeing, there's this deep call, in our bodies, in our bones in our heart, most importantly, for so many souls that we know and I'm just going to constantly repeat this.

The Divine Feminine is NOT gender bias. This is not a call to women, this is to all souls especially if you are listening to this.

You are gravitated to say return to the Divine Feminine.

What is this right?

There's something within you that resonates with that concept. I want to share a little bit about how the return of the Divine Feminine started for me. This path continues to unfold day after day, week after week, month after a month. There would never be like a handbook of this is the path of the Divine Feminine.

It's really important that if you're called towards this frequency, you allow it to sort of permeate through your body and through your existence, you take what resonates, and you leave.

What does not, because she is so vast because her information and her knowledge and wisdom are to be interpreted by every single human being on this planet in a billion different ways, right?

It's really important not to get hung up on the logical aspect because it's not logical at all. When I say that the Divine Feminine in the Cosmic Womb is coming back onto Earth.

What does that mean, and a lot of times, after sessions, you know, the people in the groups that are arriving at this time and coming to me, and participating in the things that I have to offer because there's a fraction of fractal of their soul essence, that is asking to come back. That's asking to come back into the frequency of the Divine Feminine.

There's something within the heart of the womb of that person that is asking to go deeper.

The Divine Feminine asks us to ground to anchor in. This is why I find it actually kind of comical that this is a podcast called Grounding Ascension, which I didn't choose the topic or the title, it all just came through me.

As it evolves, I now only now started to understand what that even means, which is bizarre. It just going to show you that what resonates and you don't need to understand why. Because to be honest it's taking me right now, a year and a half to just slowly start to put words into this work.

This is a first and foremost permission slip for you as the return of the Divine Feminine comes into your life by simply listening to this podcast, to understand that none of these things will come together for you for a very long time.

And if they have already amazing ‘Congratulations!’, it’s such a freakin phenomenal thing to celebrate. But for most of us, things are not going to come together until further down in the line. But the Divine Feminine asks us just like a baby is born in a Mother's womb. Without her knowing what is going on until nine months later, she can have full confirmation of what has happened in her body, right?

The Divine Feminine asks us to blindly trust and focus on what is being presented in front of us. That's first and foremost on this path. And when I say this path, I mean it for you. Again, there's no like step 1-2-3.

But there is something inside of you that's asking to listen, to receive, to unfold the wisdom that is in your body that is in your soul.

This is the return of the cosmic womb.

The cosmic womb is this place in the Universe that we can all and are all connected to. And these last few weeks and months for me, have taken me to this place of the cosmic womb. It sounds insane.

But after all the meditations, I've had ages, I just accepted, I don't even question anymore. And I allow it to unfold. So when it first presented to me, it felt so vast that I just wanted to sort of giving up. Because I didn't have words for it. I couldn't interpret it. And there's nothing to do with it.

In our society, when there's nothing to do with something, it loses its value, right?

If you think about it, if you're given a book, or if you're given information if you're given something.

And you're like, ‘Okay, what am I supposed to do with it?’

And someone tells you, ‘Oh, No, nothing. You're not supposed to do anything with it.’

What is your first reaction?

At least for me from my background of Economics, Math and Science.

Although I was very artistic growing up another part, was very trained to think. If I can't actually practically do something with this, then it doesn't serve me.

This is what I'm unlearning through this process of the Divine Feminine is that you are supposed to do nothing for a very long time. When you start to embrace her for a very long time a woman does nothing in her gestation period, in her period of birthing a child for nine months.

What I mean to say, very specific leaves that she's not controlling the situation. She's allowing and trusting the Wisdom of the Cosmos, the Stars and the Ancients to come together in her body and do what needs to happen. This is what we are asked to do.

When we are called by the Divine Feminine when there is a return of the Divine Feminine within us within our lives, we are called to do nothing but receive.

How hard is that?

How hard is it to say No?

You just sit here and wait. Like, I'm scratching my nails across a chalkboard every single moment of every single day.

I cannot wait to do something with this. And it's like no, no, no, until that yearning to do something, right, like to receive the information and then blurt it back out. There's nothing to give, there's only to receive. That reception could be for months and for years at a time.

The return of the Divine Feminine is that right now on this planet, you are now receiving so much information. So many experiences, many of you are being guided and asked to let go of the old to not only let go of the old but to be open to something completely unknown to you.

Everyone around you will tell you to know, you're losing it. It's not getting you anywhere, you're not doing anything with it.

And yet, there's a part of your soul that so desperately yearns for something more. And this, my friends, is the return of the Divine Feminine.

Within your essence, she asks for you to receive, to listen, and to be at a time, where all we want to do right after 2020 after being, quote-unquote, locked in, perhaps in a box, whatever you experienced in 2020, and perhaps still continuing to experience to this day.

All we want to do is DO.

And the funny part is that all of this is being orchestrated, in big part, to the Divine Feminine coming back into this earth. She's asking us to be with ourselves to sit in all of that we are. This is just the first episode of a few episodes that I will be sharing with you about the Rose Path, about the Dark Goddess that is streaming through me, and this work that is required while we are sitting and being and receiving.

Because you're here,

You're listening,

You're with Me,

It resonates. Some of this maybe doesn't.

But there's something here. And my body says Yes.

What is it, and this is what this next episode will be about just to give you a little bit of my transmission, my frequency that's coming in. When I say mine, nothing is mine. It's what I'm being shown. I'm asked to be shared with you.

The return of the Divine Feminine is just that is you coming back to you. The last parts of you that you didn't even know, existed, you don't even know what's on the other side.

I don't even know what's on the other side of this work. I don't, I am blindly surrendering.

Because you know what happened to me? Earlier this year, I fell into complete and utter withdraw, like complete burnout. Because I was trying to push forward as soon as we got out of this whole 2020 thing. And I turn it was a complete failure. That's when I realized that I had no choice.

We are not given a choice at this point. If you're listening to this, your soul is asking you to step towards something unknown, just like I've been asked to do the same.

I invite you, and I give you permission to say yes to that calling.

To say Yes to the calling of the Divine Feminine, the Rose Path, the Dark Goddess, whatever and however she presents herself to you at this time.

Maybe it's none of those words.

Maybe it's just an inkling in your soul asking for more.

I give you permission and I invite you to join me along on this journey of Grounding Ascension through the Divine Feminine.

I hope to hear from you and to hear how this lands and I'm curious to know how the Divine Feminine and reclaiming this wisdom into Your Life is turning out for you.

Until next time, my friends I hope that you are being more than doing and I will speak to you soon🌹

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The Divine Feminine is returning on this Planet and she asks us to Listen and Receive. What does this mean and are you willing to accept the call?

Watch and Recieve: Divine Feminine & Desires Webinar
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28. The Rose Path


26. Awaken the Language of Your Womb