26. Awaken the Language of Your Womb


I'm going to be sharing with you one of the things that I have been seeing in a lot of clients since I have been doing more Lemurian energy events, healings and activations. 

And coincidentally enough, I have been receiving a lot of women coming in having to reconnect to their wounds. And I don't think that this is a coincidence by any means. I believe and I'm seeing how this is so much more common than what we believe or expect. 

I'm going to be talking a little bit about, our disconnection to our womb, and then what we can do about it like just the first natural practical step, to reconnect this thread that has been cut off. 

I’ve created a free download. And you can find it below.

You can start to reconnect this thread that we have been disconnected from for millenia. And let me just explain a little bit about what happens when we are cut off from our womb. We have this channel that runs up and down our bodies. 

This channel that connects  Our light body,  Our energy body,  Our higher-soul to our Womb, 

It anchors down into our physical. 

If you could imagine our womb, kind of like a vortex, or a portal into the physical into our bodies, our womb is like the whole of our energy, body or soul body. 

As we walk these transformational times, and this new light is streaming, and we're asked to level up and ground, we're leveling up and we're grounding at the same time, ideally, these new levels of light. And for that to happen, we are required to anchor into our wombs, which is like the doorway, it's the portal from the energy to the physical from the light to the matter, right.

It's our portal from the unseen to the scene. And as women, we hold the womb, which is this transformational vessel. And I know that sounds like a little bit of a sidetracking conversation to have. But it's really important to understand that when we are disconnected from our womb, we are cutting off ourselves from this channel from this portal of, of the in-between that bridge that connects the unseen to the scene. 

When we're disconnected from it, we feel disconnected from life, our soul body feels disconnected from the life that we experience on the physical.

Not only that, because there are a lot of the women that are coming to me, they don't feel disconnected from their life. But they do feel that there is a disconnection from the gifts that they have, that they bear that they bring at a soul level, to the way that they're being able to express it or better yet, are not yet able to express it out into the world. 

I'm seeing that there's a direct correlation between their ability to express,

Their gifts, 

Their services into the world, 

And their ability to anchor into their wounds.

This is one of the big reasons why I want to share this with you because I'm seeing more and more the connection and the importance of anchoring in and grounding and reconnecting and reawakening the womb space and what it means to us as women. 

So where do we go from here? 

How do we reconnect this thread? 

How do we reconnect ourselves to our wombs? 

And what does that even mean? 

Well, I've created this free download that you can have and start to unlock and discover the language of your womb. Because imagine this if you are disconnected from something that you never even knew was there. 

How could you possibly read connect to it? Right? 

You don't even know what it looks like what it feels like what it tastes like you don't know of it. 

To tell somebody, just reconnect with it, it makes no sense, right? And I think about myself and where I was at the beginning of this path. And if somebody would have told me just reconnect to your womb, right? I would have looked at them with a completely blank stare a white face like I don't know what language you're speaking to me right now. 

This is why this work is happening right now. To help you reconnect to this thing, to this womb space to this portal of creation that we have forgotten for so many centuries and generations.

The easiest thing and the most practical thing, and what has helped me on this journey, which I want to gift to you, is to reawaken the language of our womb. 

Here's what I want you to do go ahead and download with the link provided. 

It's going to walk you through the process of reawakening the language of your womb. 

Now understand that the Divine Feminine works with time she is not the masculine, the Divine Masculine works differently than the divine feminine. Because she is the carrier of time. 

This is something that is to be done and practiced through time. And it's important to give it its due diligence and practice it on a day-to-day basis. 

This is not something that you just start today, the feminine, the divine feminine.

When we nurture something, when we birth something, 

It requires our awareness, 

It requires our love, 

Day after day, 

Moment after moment, 

Breath by breath.

The patient is a part of this process. I say that because of the patience that is required to birth and plants a seed in the soil. 

This is what is required from the Divine Feminine to reawaken this language of our will. To lay the foundations that you don't expect I'm going to have a free download. 

And I'm going to figure out tomorrow what my room is telling me, right? 

Meanwhile, I've had five to 10 generations and who knows how many lifetimes of being disconnected to my womb? In no way am I trying to tell you this is a quick fix. 

As a matter of fact, it's NOT. 

It's a real awakening of the encyclopedia and the books of knowledge that lie within your bones. And that is a lifelong process. But if you start today, I can tell you that for me with just a few cycles, every menstrual cycle, you will start to pick up patterns. 

The more that you nourish this relationship to your womb, the easier and more flow you will have in reawakening this language.

Go ahead and download the link provided. 

It's really simple every day upon waking. By the way, this is how I do it. You do not ever have to replicate what I say the Divine Feminine works in unique and mysterious ways for every single individual man woman child on this planet. The idea is for me to open the door and lay-out the carpet and you walk the path that is divinely guided for you. 

But you have to start somewhere and I wish that somebody would have opened the door for me it would have saved me a lot of time and energy and a lot more other things. 

What you will do is upon waking every day,

Place one hand on your heart

One hand on your womb. 

And just simply take a few breaths. 

This is not meditation, breathing exercises. This is nothing outside of ideally sitting upright. If you don't like to sit upright, you can stay laying down I find that if I sit upright, I become a much clearer channel. And this is before you even getting up or doing anything.

This is you bringing awareness upon the first few moments of your day when you realize, I'm up. 

It's a new day. 

You sit upright. 

You place one hand on your Heart. 

One hand on your Womb.

And you take a few breaths. And all you do is that you don't notice anything, you don't push anything, you don't control anything, you don't ask anything, you simply become an empty vessel and receipt.

You do this for as long as you want. It could be for 10 seconds, it could be for two minutes, it could be for 20 minutes. For me, it changes every single day, and I'm not going to give you a box that you have to do. 

In the beginning, maybe your mind is going to be a little scattered. 

What is it supposed to be? 

What am I received? 

And that's okay. 

Through time, as you imprint this routine into your awareness, you warmly say, “Oh, I think she's reconnecting to me. I think I'm safe to speak again.” 

That language will start to appear as visions as memories, sensations as emotions. 

All you have to do starting today is take a few words of that experience of whatever you receive and write that down. And don't think anything of it, don't try to create any stories around it, simply write it down. And do this for at least one complete cycle. That could be for you. 28 days, 30 days, start today, you don't have to wait until your first bleed. 

After doing this for at least 30 days, I want you to look back. 

Notice the days that your mind was scattered. 

Notice the days that you were called. 

Notice the days that you receive something or nothing. 

This is how I started to reawaken in the language of my womb and reconnect to the wisdom of my body. And notice how I mentioned earlier that at some point, the womb will say, “I feel safe to express myself again”. 

A long time ago, the womb was safe to express itself. And then it became very unsafe. And so this is why we need patience in this process. This is why I want you to download that Magic Charting Cycle which is also part of the Cyclical Living Planner. It's already included in there. Because when we work with the divine feminine, we are tapping into the esoteric we're tapping into the mystical, we're tapping into that, which does not have a written word or language to it. 

It expresses itself through thoughts and meaning and feelings and emotions, which has such a vast multitude of expressions and multi-dimensional experiences attached to it right. 

So many times, there is no word for the feminine because she is so vast. But when she started to be shut down, repressed and attacked through time. 

She learned on an esoteric mystical level, not to connect to us because her ways were dangerous, and her waves were revolutionary and rebellious. As we create the container for her to be safe once again, she will slowly show herself to us. 

I want you to take your time with this process. Be patient, love yourself through it. Do not have any expectations for yourself. 

But I want you to do only one thing. 

Commit for at least 30 days. 

Ideally, if you have any kind of womb trauma, and honestly from the women that I work with all over the world, 99% of us have trauma from this lifetime, from generational traumas or other lifetimes. Trauma could be something as simple as jealousy. Now I'm not even talking about sexual trauma.

Anyway, if you have that, and you know that and you think you may have, I do recommend doing this for at least three cycles because the door has been so heavily layered. And built upon that it takes a little bit more love, it takes a little bit more to create that safety container.

Then just be curious about it. It's kind of like a child stepping onto a playground for the first time in their lives. They have no idea of the potential of a playground. They just see other children doing things. 

I wonder if that potential exists for me too. And just take curious and notice. 

Once the first cycle, the second cycle or the third cycle tracking this magic is complete, reach out to me, share your experiences with me, because I want to know how this sits with you. 

This is a process that was shown to me. And this is the reason why I have created the Cyclical Living Planner. I understand that it's something that for a lot of women feels far-fetched. I want to make it as simple and practical and easy as possible.

And I want you to receive the wisdom of your womb, and it's inside you there's nowhere for you to go. 

And yes, through time, different things will be revealed to you and then you'll be guided, you'll be guided by the Divine Feminine within you to take the next steps. 

But you have to start somewhere and this is how I started and what unfolded changed my life forever. 

I hope that you get something from this and you enjoy the process. 

And if you do I would love, love, love to hear from you.

connect with Womb.jpg

More & More women are waking up to the fact that they must Reconnect to their Womb. But how? Where do you start? Today, I'm sharing with you the most practical tool that's helped me on this Path of Reawakening the language & communication with the Divine Feminine.
Download your FREEBIE here.


27. Return of the Divine Feminine


25. Choosing the Path of Love Pt. 2