23. 2020 to 2021: An Energetic Perspective


I’d like to share the following information with those of you who are open to the different levels and layers of reality. 

If you are one to take what you see on TV as the entire Truth, this is my Disclaimer that none of what I say, live or speak in this world is in line with what is on TV. 

I have many reasons for that which I share throughout my podcasts.

This is an episode to share what is happening at a different layer of reality, in the most grounded way possible for me. 

Everything I share and speak of comes to form direct experience in the Meditative or Inner realm and/or from people I consider to be Guides & Teachers in my line of work. 

2020 has been a huge Wake Up Storm for many. A Clearing; A forced Wake-Up Call of sorts.

It has also been what many Lightworkers have known that needed to happen in order to ‘Clean Up’ the Energetic Matrix of this World/Reality. 

If you could imagine a sort-of Cobb web, of the web like the Internet sign, around the Earth. There are many levels and layers to this reality that dictate pretty much everything you could imagine, including everything about you. 

Now our bodies hold this same Matrix of information. 

This Matrix of Information consists of many Codons or Codes, like Programs that you download to your Computer. 

Because these programs have been set for who knows how long ago, they are OLD, outdated, and plugged into a different Era of Human Consciousness. 

As we move into the Next Phase of Human Evolution, this Cobb Webb, or Field of Information, needs to be re-written. Think of it like the programs that you Download to your Computer. Every so often, your computer and phone get an upgrade. 

Well, let’s just say that the Earth and Human system hasn’t had an Upgrade in a Really Really Long time.

And many of us, Knew this. Not from Ancient text or writings on pyramids. But from Visions, experiences, and interactions. 

So 2020 in a sense was no kind of mind-blowing situation. And it was, in the greater picture, the most calm and peaceful way to go about the needed transition that is now happening. 

So the re-writing of human consciousness was basically given an Upgrade through 2020. 

Will people fall into fear?

Will they anchor into their Truth?

Will they have enough Courage to believe in what they Know Intuitively instead of what they are told from external sources they don’t even know (or Very well DO know) where it comes from?

And in the unfolding of this Re-programming we can see how 2020 has brought to the surface the division of Worlds that has been written about in so many texts. It is unreal to watch unfold. 

The Divide is becoming larger and larger:

There are those who choose to play and stay entangled with old patterns that will hold them hostage to fears and hate for days to come. 

And then there are those who decide to get Curious enough to see if there really is a New way of seeing the World. If there really is something else behind the scenes happening. If there really is a way to Empower oneself in the midst of Chaos and perhaps even a way to rebirth ourselves through it all. 

And at the end of the day, it is what is. There is no judgment on anyone’s path or choice of living.

So what’s 2020 really been about

Again, this is from my point of view.

2020 has Taught Us:


How to deal with Uncertainty. 

How to Discern or perhaps where we need more Discernment. 

What is Sacred. 

What is Important. 

What is worth my Time. 

Who is worthy of my Trust.

Where do I stand with Belief in myself?

Where do I give my power away and base my reality on someone else’s perspective?

How have I lost myself?

Where can I reclaim myself?

So what’s next?

The Veils are truly lifting. The Transition is here. 

The opportunity to release what no longer serves and step into what does is NOW.

We are coming out of this all as Different Human Beings. Better than before, more United, more Intuitively Refined & Anchored into our Truth.

It’s so important that we get clear on the following:

What serves me, my family, my community and the Collective at large? 

What is Sustainable?

What is True for me?

What is NOT True for me?

Where can I shift or expand into?

What beliefs, patterns, fears, programs no longer serve me?

Who can I trust as a Respectful and Discerning source of information?

So what is Next for You?

Are you really still Waiting to go back to 2019?

Chances are, you’ve learned a lot about yourself in 2020. Things have come up for you to see, own and make decisions about. 

The question is, are you answering that call?

You see, 2020 was the Call. And the Call often brings Chaos.

But 2021 is now the Tsunami wave of Transformation. It’s the time of Discernment and Action towards the New. 

Lately, I’ve been feeling the Mind overly active. I can feel the Collective thinking so much about how to navigate these times. How can we mentally move forward?

But we must remind ourselves Now more than Ever:

It’s time to drop the elevator down into the heart. 

2021 will ask this of us, Time and Time Again. It will train us to do this if we allow it and are ready. Because it will take Heart-Centered Will, Determination and Action to be & build the Next level of Humanity.

TIPS for Navigating 2021:

Find your Community

Your Tribe. Your Mentors. Your Teachers. Your Connection to what Moves you deep, deep inside. We are not doing this Alone. 

Choose your Codes of Existence – aka – Programs – Subconscious Belief systems

Being Alone and in Fear is Not Real. It’s a Code you have to Decide to Release in yourself. 

There is a CHOICE for Real Freedom and activating our I AM Presence. But you must choose it. 

Take FULL Responsibility for your Thoughts and Life

No one gives this work to you. You aren’t given a FREE pass and waking up one day in full Freedom and Bliss. You have to show up for it and work through all the old SHIT that’s inside the system. And the older you are, the harder it is (in general) 

Claim the Possibility of Change and take Responsibility for it.

Become your own Guiding Force – Activate I AM

You get to decide how to uplevel your immune system. You get to decide how to Uplevel and honor your body, mind and spirit. You get to decide who’s in charge of your Free Will. Free Will is not ‘are you wearing a mask or not’. Free Will is how you’re going about putting it on and what you THINK and FEEL while Living it. 


You can wear a mask, or TWO, and be in FEAR of the person next to you able to KILL you. 

Of you can wear a mask and take it off whenever the environment allows. Thinking nothing of it and knowing that Your Health is in Your Hands. 

Get Creative!

2020 has created enough mental and physical space in our lives to get clear about what makes us happy and gets us in our ‘Creative Genious’ Mode. This is the perfect time to connect with your heart and Passion and experience the benefits of what happens when you do. Being Creative is MEDICINE for the Soul, especially at this time. You may be surprised by what happens in your life by simply starting to get more creative more often. The Ripple effects are Outstanding! So do it!! 


With a different set of Values, Belief Systems, Attitudes, Goals. 

I really hope that people can start tuning into the many blessings that 2020 has been and the many reasons why it was so needed at this time for a higher transformation to occur on this planet. 

How will you decide to move through 2021?

We’re not getting rid of anything. 

All this is happening within you. It’s Bizarre. It’s Real. It’s Up to You. 

Wake up my Friends. You don’t have to believe ANYTHING that does not Support your highest evolution and manifestation of your Divine Self.

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Taking an Energetic Perspective on what 2020 has been and what we can do about it for 2021. I share tips about how to Navigate 2021 and what is most important for us to get Clear about at this time. 

🌟Connect with me:  @celestegluz1111
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