Feminine Wellness Rituals & Natural Birth Control


A Step by Step course on Womb Wellness & Tending

practices that every woman needs.


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Aloha & Welcome

I’m Celeste and I became very curious about WHY we have never been taught how to care for our wombs.

After a couple of years of walking the Feminine Path, I realized:

‘OMG - Everything I currently do to foster the embodiment and integration of Sacred Feminine Wisdom in my life has never been taught to me. I had to figure it all out via many different paths and courses.

It was in that moment that I decided to create a practical, step by step course on how to tend to your womb space so that your womb wisdom could Awaken within you.

Amrita workshop


Creating a practical wellness routines for our Womb has a direct impact on our Health and is Vital when it comes to awakening our Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

It’s time we Embody Womb Wisdom with practical routines

Understand what your Menstrual Cycle is telling you

Reclaim the Wisdom of your Womb

Tap into your Divine Feminine Essence

Explore ancient healing self-care practices




When a woman does not know how to care for her womb, she has lost a very deep and ancient connection to who she is and where she comes from.

It is said in the Ancient Mysteries that a Woman anchored in her Womb Power is an unstoppable force.

I am here to awaken more women in their Power

and I know that Womb Tending is not only a foundational and practical place to begin but a place to return to time and time again.


When we are Not Aligned to our Womb’s Wisdom or haven’t activated the Divine Feminine within, life can feel like a struggle. 

We feel like we need to Push and Force our way through it. 

We become disoriented to what the True Balance of Masculine & Feminine Energies are and fall into the Distorted and Shadow aspects of the Old.

The Magic, Power and Wisdom of living feels long gone and part of a Disney Fairy-tale. 

But I’m here to tell you:

it no longer has to feel that way. 


As the Divine Mother Rises, so do we, and this is the Reason why you are here.

Mysteriously and Intuitively guided to read this and take responsibility for your Womb, whether that makes logical sense to you right now or not. 

The Wisdom, the Power & the Creatrix Codes within you are ready to be Activated and this Course gives you the Practical nitty-gritty details on how to do it.




Birth Control is a massive issue in our world, blinding women of their birthright to understand and connect to the Wisdom deep within. 

Many women are either on some kind of Over the Counter Birth Control Option that gives them horrible long-term side-effects or hoping to get pregnant.

I was lost in between these two groups for a very long time, until I had to suffer the consequences of not taking Full Responsibility for my Womb and the Power that comes along with it. 

This is how this Course was birthed.

I had a Rude Awakening with the Divine Feminine urging me to Recover the Wisdom that had been lost. 

The ways that women Know Intuitively how to Care, Nurture and Love their Wombs, whether they want to birth a Child, a project, a Dream, etc. need to be reclaimed.



Sexuality has been demonized and used against us.

This amazing AMRITA workshop will explore this lost art and teach you Step by Step how to experience the BLISS and ORGASM of this sacred Fluid, known by many ancient civilizations as the ‘fluid of immortality’.

I had the blessing of meeting the Guest Facilitator for this workshop, a Dear Elder friend and Wayshower for women around the globe. Together, we demystify this topic in safety and integrity.

This Course Will:

  • Teach you how to Chart your Cycle 

  • Provide a gateway for the Divine Feminine Teachings to unfold within you

  • Teach you the Fundamentals of FAM - Fertility Awareness Method

  • Understand your Bodi’s Fertility Signs

  • Create a deeper relationship with your Body

  • Tap into your Unique Rhythm

  • Teach you holistic wellness practices necessary for Womb Health

  • Empower yourself with herbal allies and natural emergency contraceptives

  • Explore Amrita, the sacred Immortality Fluid that lives within you!

  • Create practical wellness routines you can do from the comfort of your home for the rest of your life

Also Includes: 

  • One Meditation 

  • PDF Printouts

Empowering yourself with Womb Wellness, Natural Birth Control and the Knowledge of Amrita has infinite Psycho-spiritual & Physical benefits, some of which include: 


Learning Fertility Signs

As a form of Natural Birth Control or to Get Pregnant

Strengthening Intuition & Psychic Gifts

Because if you have a womb, you are Intuitive and Psychic!

Creating healthy Eating Patterns

According to your body’s unique needs of each inner season

Aligning your Life

To the Magical Flow of your Inner Seasons

Learning Emotional Intelligence

The way your body uniquely expresses it.

Loving Your Period

And all of your Womb’s Wisdom

Igniting Intuitive Wisdom

Understanding the Intelligence of your Menstrual Cycle


Your relationship with the Divine Feminine


What Womben Are Saying:

“I used to hate my period. Now, I feel like a little girls when I enter the Cosmic Temple. I’m counting down the minutes for my bleed to arrive.”


“I can’t believe how deep this information goes. I work different, I eat different, I feel different, I even see life differently. I literally wake up and feel Held by the Wisdom of my body! Thank you Celeste.”


“For the first time in 10 years I feel ready to come off the Pill. Your module about Loving your Period has opened my eyes to a world of knowledge about my body and the wisdom of this cycle. I am so excited to explore it naturally.”


“I’ve never been so excited to get my period!”

“I can’t believe this information was never given to us. I can’t wait to teach my daughters this when they are ready!”


“Wow. This has changed my life. I finally understand why I’ve had such a hard time with my eating habits & workouts. I have aligned to the Wisdom of my Body!!”


“I am in LOVE with the charting technique you teach. As someone who has just recently come off the Pill, I have never connected to my body this way. The intelligence of the womb is Wild!”

Only 13.5% of Women Ovulate.jpg

Part of the Divine Feminine Teachings is to become intimate with the Wisdom of Your Body’s Intelligence.

Today’s modern world has many ways of getting us further and further away from this Inner Well of Wisdom.

Depending on technology to do this for us is a way of stripping us further away from our intricate connectedness of life.

Apps and computers ARE NOT a reliable form of Tracking Ovulation unless you are tracking BOTH Body Temperature and Cervical Mucus. 

Podcast Episodes on Menstruation & Fertility:

Episode 5: The Sacred Power of Menstruation

Episode 8: Understanding and Deepening our Connection to Fertility

Episode 9: Natural Fertility Management


Charting Your Cycle & Womb Wellness


I am now in LOVE with the process of Charting and have picked up so many more Fertility and Womb Wellness tools which I can’t wait to share with you. 

Uncover all you need to know about proper womb self-care, taking fertility back into your own hands and understanding the Great Mystery of our Orgasm.

So, Are you ready to Activate your Womb’s Wisdom?


**Please note:  You have 1 year access to this course upon purchase. There are no refunds after 24 hours from your START date.**

I am not a Certified Fertility Awareness Educator. I teach what I know and have experience with. I have been using this method combined with other tools and techniques learned from Elder Womben as a Natural Form of Birth Control and wish to share this with you.

If you have hormonal issues, are seeking one-on-one help for irregular cycles or need a Certified Educator to sit with you, I am happy to direct you to appropriate practitioners.