Healing the Feminine Therapy Program

A 3-month container to restore your Feminine

It is time to reclaim your Full Magnificence.

This an online experience to deep dive into your mind, body, and spirit.

During our time together we will create a safe space to acknowledge, explore, and process the impact of trauma in your life. You will learn how trauma imprints the mind and body, changing our perspective of self, others and the world.

With the assistance of a highly skilled holistic practitioner and a licensed mental health therapist, you will be guided in the process of untangling trauma from your nervous system, release emotions stored in the body, create new narratives to empower yourself and return back to safety within your body.

As we open our hearts to heal our wounds, we reclaim of our true essence, Wholeness. 

This program is for you if:

You have experienced trauma or womb loss

Are living in survival mode

Experience high levels of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

Do not feel safe in your body, with others or in the world

Have a dysregulated nervous system

Experience painful periods

Are ready to receive support for a new phase of your life

Have difficulty feeling and processing emotions

Struggle with co-dependency, people pleasing and speaking your truth

Feel disempowered in life

Feel lost, lonely, or confused

Experience difficulty concentrating

Experience anger, irritability, mood swings

Experience guilt, shame, and self-blame 

Are ready to experience alternative and somatic healing

Are withdrawing from others

Feel shut down, fearful, stagnant or frozen in life

Feel sad or hopeless

Feel disconnected and numb

Have been on birth control for a long time and feel disconnected from your Feminine

Find it hard to trust your intuition

Have tried Talk Therapy and it hasn’t been enough


Month 1: Body

Navigating & Opening the Mind

The Acknowledgment & Expression of Trauma

Month 2: Mind

Dropping into the Body

Safety with Self

Untangling Imprints

Month 3: Spirit

Alchemical Transmutation

Reclaining Power

Recreating Meaning | Resilience

Meet your Facilitators

  • Celeste Gluz

    Oracle, Healer, Movement Mauve

  • Nea Gluz

    Mental Health Practitioner, Shamanic Healer


Once you begin you are committing to your Healing Journey.

There are no refunds.

Place your hands on your Heart & Womb and say:

This is my Birthright.

I Reclaim my Sacred Feminine Wisdom in this Now.
