29. The Dark Goddess

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When we consider the Path of the Rose, the Path of the Goddess tends to forget or leave out the darkness.

This is a very important topic to talk about. This podcast is called Grounding Ascension. And if you've heard some of the recent podcast episodes, you'll notice that I keep mentioning that for a reason.

It's to remind you that we are grounding higher levels of light that have never been on this planet before. That requires the balancing of forces that requires us to first and foremost accept and embrace the polarity of this dimension.

The polarity the contrast that we live in, in the human experience. Men, if you break it down you are its resemblance of God means God in its essence and the physical body of God.

This is almost an oxymoron. Unless you have the full understanding of the notion that God lives within.

If you have that notion, you will be very comfortable with the notion of the Dark Goddess, because you inherently know that we are the vessel for integration and assimilation. We are the vessel that unites the above and the below the within or without.

We are that Star that holds Everything.

The Dark Goddess is the void,

The Cosmic Mother,

The Eternal well of Wisdom and knowledge, from which all life stems.

When we think about the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, there's an aspect of the Dark Mother, the Black Madonna.

This is a concept that has from my study and my research has been not only known but revered.

From the beginning of time from ancient cultures, there was this knowledge of the Dark Mother. That was resembled and represented by the womb, the physical womb of an engendered feminine body.

The Portal from which we can access this Wisdom, this vast cosmic source of information and knowledge is the womb, the physical portal and the human body. The Dark Goddess represents the vast and infinite potential of all that is and within that is the Darkness within the actual void and from that void can stem anything and on humanly possible that the imagination can take you to.

Why do I say that?

I say this because part of my spiritual awakening has been to navigate and travel the etheric the unseen, other realms of consciousness or dimensions, as you can say.

For a very long time, I didn't understand why I thought it was just very extremely high levels of light that I was traveling through, because that's what I was seeing in my meditations, I was visiting Lumeria I was swimming in the vastness and the oceans of information.

Until recently that I realized that part of the integration of the Divine Feminine and anchoring into the Dark Mother and the Dark Goddess is understanding how to navigate the oceans and the depths of encyclopedias, that exist in the ethers. She holds that.

Even though we can access for example, the Akashic Record or anything that is multi-dimensional, that the human mind cannot necessarily put a finger to, that is held by the web of the Dark Goddess lies the mystery of all mysteries throughout human experience, which includes death, rebirth, sex, and with that can be belief systems, religion, political structures.

But ultimately, it comes down to the lower chakras.

The lower chakras of root sacral, and solar, which collapse into one as the womb, from what I understand perceive and experience.

The way that this information is given to me. And so first to familiarize ourselves and to be okay with talking about these things. The Mother, and the Dark Goddess is the holder, the carrier of this knowledge.

If you are here right now, there's a part of you that resonates with the Dark Goddess, it has nothing to do with gender has nothing to do with what body you inhabit, it has to do with a frequency within your soul.

There's a part of you that is called and guided towards the mysteries of life. And I always think it's funny because when I was first call to this kind of work, the people that were sharing it would call it the mysteries.

Why is it a mystery?

Why does it have to be even considered a mystery?

Why does death which is the most natural thing that every human being has ever and will ever experience death?

Why does it have to be a mystery?

I find that to be so funny, because it's the most natural thing of life, just like our bleed for women and gendered women. Yet, it's a mystery.

How can something that is so one with our life, be labeled a mystery. And that, to me causes almost a sort of rage. Because it shouldn't be a mystery. It should be an inherent part of our human experience to talk about live with, embrace and look forward to because Death is just another word for Rebirth.

I'm not saying I'm like waiting to die. But what I am saying is that, this fear around these topics, needs to be sat with, and that is the Dark Goddess, she holds the wisdom to understand that this is just a part of the spectrum of the human experience.

The more we fear it, the more it's actually going to bubble up in our bodies that cause disease and ease in our bodies and lives.

These frequencies, if we have a fear of death, if we have a fear of our sexual desires and pleasures, if we have a fear of finance.

I'm thinking of the lower three energetic centers:

  1. The way that we feel rooted in life

  2. The way that we express in life

  3. The way that we move about and feel connected to our creativity, to the arousal and the pleasure and the desire principle in our life.

These are the things that the Dark Goddess governs.

But here's the thing, the Dark Goddess exists within every single human being on this planet. There cannot be life without dark. It's like expecting to plant a seed in the air and expecting it to grow. You have to plant in soil.

It's from that darkness that stems to life and light. The Dark Mother is the primordial substance of All. That is she holds everything.

And without her we don't have life without accepting our shadow, without accepting our subconscious, we don't have the full consciousness we don't have the full light. The Rise of the Divine Feminine at this time on earth is also the Rise of the Dark Goddess.

What that can look like within you, which I experienced several times. But most recently I experienced came through as a tremendous amount of rage in my body. Because I realized I had an experience where I was not being accepted for the person that I was in a specific situation. And I was called out and said I was wrong, for being the way that I was being.

At first, like any good-hearted, quote-unquote, person does, I accepted it. As soon as I walked away, as it usually happens with me, I receive clarity after.

When I can actually sit in my heart in my own field, and not have any judgments or projections. I sat in silence. And from that silence came the most outrageous and unfathomable wall, if you can, if you can get that word, I recently learned that I have my mercury in retrograde, so I'm no longer scared of messing up words like that.

I can't do it any other way. An unimaginable amount of rage was pent up in my body. This is part of the Dark Goddess. This is part of the transmutation and the homework that we do as human beings, especially for you.

This life experience to take all of the wounds and projections and belief systems that have held us back for millennia, oftentimes passed down from our parents.

Honestly, just picked up from the matrix that we live in. This is a lot of the work that we do in the Woman Wisdom Mentorship and a lot of the work that is done in the Divine I am course. Work that is being created at this time through me, because the Dark Goddess needs to be understood for who she is and what she has been.

The reason why there are so many human beings on this planet feeling disconnected and unrooted and unseeded in their souls is because they have forgotten their connection to the earth.

The Earth is the Dark Goddess The Earth is the soil and the depths of the Darkness of the Oceans. The vast space when we look above. We think of the Dark Goddess and we get scared. Yet she is the reason why there is life. Without her there is no potential for existence, think about the womb, and the creation of a child. for that child to be birthed for the masculine to penetrate and to create, there has to be a container of vast potential that exists.

Within every single living essence of this reality, even within matter in itself, the Dark Goddess exists. As she makes herself seen again, this is why we see such an uplifting of frequencies. We level up as a humanity, and as this new kind of light that's streaming in on this planet. Hence, the Ascended Rose frequency that I work with.

As we experience all of this, we also need to keep coming back to our lower energy centers to anchor in.

What are we doing if we are not anchoring into the darkness of ourselves?

If we're not taking that light that's coming in, and allowing it to penetrate into the deepest parts of our essence.

When you commune with the Dark Goddess,

When you call in the Black Madonna, when you talk about the Cosmic Void or the Cosmic Womb, or all that is of the potential of life, you bring forth this essence of integration. That's what we are doing at this time with so much higher light that's coming in. There are very specific call souls that are being called to do this kind of work, and it doesn't have to be scary. Does it?

Create a little uncomfort in the body? Of course, we're not necessarily raised to be doing the deep dark shadow work. We're not necessarily a society that embraces conversations around sex, religion, pleasures, desires, shadows, subconscious, addictions and all these things but these things need to be sat with and looked at as human existence.

Once they are embraced us that we can start to sit with them and start to alchemize. To really understand that the Ascension light body the only way that it can be anchored in and held is if it's anchored into the lower energy center.

If we start to integrate the energies of the below and bring them to the above the light body consists of all of our energy centers. All of the polarity of the human existence the light body consists of the Dark Goddess.

The light you cannot have a light body you cannot have the rising of a Kundalini force in its full essence without having had done the proper work to anchor it in. This is why many people can experience a Kundalini rising, they can experience an activation of the light body but then they are left ungrounded if you've ever met someone who feels slightly off who's kind of like floating in the ethers while they're talking to you or it's like they're unable to ground certain projects and things they speak about they're always speaking of this other thing that's about to happen but they're not actually doing anything.

These are just small resemblances and examples of the inability to integrate the dark within the inability to merge the above and the below.

The Christ did heart is birthed from the depths of the void we have to descend in order to ascend. This is what the Dark Goddess asks of us if we are ready to receive the eternal knowledge that has been passed down for millennia if we think of right.

In order to record this podcast, I was guided to bring out three things. A small statue-type resemblance it's actually an incense holder with the Egyptian energy, most of us know some of the Egyptian background understanding how they revered the Cycle of Death and Rebirth. How they revered the understanding of the afterworld and how much work they did to prepare for the afterlife.

I'm not saying that you have to accept that as your truth but what I am saying is that the Egyptians were not the only ones who did this if you look at research like Ancient Societies Egypt came way after they learned from the civilizations that came before them there was such a connection and rootedness into the darkness of life.

It was a part of life something else that I was guided to come out and hold some space with while recording this podcast is the dark stone of Shung guide.

I am reminded of the fact that when I first started on this path, I was guided to throw away much of my clothing and just wear a lot of black for a long time and my mental mind flipped out.

I was like, “I'm going into the dark! What is this is devilish? This is the hell realm. This is no good.”

But a part of me could not get myself to wear colors it cannot get myself to even wear white. In spiritual communities a lot of time like there's a meaning and people have a lot of projections around certain things. I thought like this isn't going anywhere good. For some reason, I look at white and I want to throw up. I look at colors and it just disgusts me. I just need to be wearing all black and that's what I did for a long time.

Actually to this day, now I wear a lot of black and white together. The only reason why I share this is that you can start to pick up little things in your life that's the only reason why to start to take notice. Because I only pick this up years after the fact, like, I receive and then I'm able to look back and put things together.

Hopefully, this can help or maybe navigate little things that are happening in your life that you think there's no reason for them. Or maybe like me, you're freaking out about why is this happening. And then later on in the path, you will realize that was so Divine.

I wish somebody would have told me that before. So that's the only reason why I share certain experiences because I hope that it brings shed some light on your current intuitive feelings and gut.

The Dark Goddess was already penetrating my subconscious before I even knew it. Because this process is not logical. She asks us to look into the parts of our lives that we have chosen to hide from ourselves. Because we learned at a very young age that it was not accepted, it was not okay. It was shameful, it was not to be talked about it was taboo.

I could give you some other reasons why we decided it was not okay. To have these aspects of us come up. There's an aspect of you that is ready to go in. Maybe that for you right now just means wearing dark clothes, or whatever the case may be. But understand that there is an Ancient Wisdom that is overseeing and over lighting your journey the entire time.

It is those who are willing to anchor into the dark that will see the lightest of the light. There's a certain level of frequency and light that can only be shown to those who are anchored in to their Christ at heart. Who is anchored into the depths of their soul?

It's not just given. It's not just candy that's given out on Halloween. You will know if you're caught on that path, you will know if you are ready to experience the Dark Goddess.

There's no hiding. She will birth the highest and the most incredible medicine and gifts through you first for you to have and then of course, always, your medicine is to be shared with others always it is never just for you.

The Dark God is the mother always provides you we just don't know-how. I hope that this has shed a little bit of light as to what the Dark Goddess is, when I refer to her, I hope that it can start to turn people on and light them up instead of turning them off and shut them down. Because this frequency is being anchored and grounded is also asked to be looked at this time more than ever before.

Especially, in the coming years as we anchor into what we call the New Earth. The only way we will be able to do it in a healthy way is, if we are okay to do this kind of work to check in with our subconscious to get real about what lies deep in our soul. And the last part is with transformation, full-blown death, and Rebirth. Comes Divinely in time to share with you the last piece that decided to come out and to be shared with you at this time is the stone of Malik height.

The stone of allocation resembles me, deep transformation, powerful Death and Rebirth. This process has been known from the beginning of time there was this reverence for the Mother, the Menstrual Cycle, the Death and Rebirth process.

All of that is one. It's just in our human existence at this time.

We tend to separate those things.

We think the Menstrual Cycle is one thing.

We think the Seasons of life are another.

We think death is another we think birth is another.

We think Ego death is another we think evolution is another guy.

It's all the same thing. It's the intelligence of the Dark Goddess.

It's the consciousness of the Dark Mother of the void, the eternal essence of knowledge and wisdom. She holds all possibilities. In that in every example that I just gave lies, the essence of transformation lies the essence and the beauty of cycles.

I share this with you to bring together so many dots that in my work for so long until recently, none of it made sense.

Why am I sharing the Menstrual cycle? Why am I sharing Cyclical living? Why am I sharing deep dark shadow work? Why?

None of this makes sense until I realized it. Everything that you do, brings with it, the fabric of the Mother brings with it the fabric of the Dark Goddess, which requires the transformation and the alchemy of the subconscious. There's so much wisdom to be anchored in through this.

The Dark Goddess is what brings that forth. I hope that you start to embrace this path, which I understand it's not for all. It's for you, you're being called You are so being called to this bar.

If it resonates, I do have the Womban Wisdom Mentorship opening, which we get to dive deep and dig into all of these things. There's so much more that's coming through. But you cannot hide and you cannot run from it. I will tell you that. Because I tried that. It didn't work.

If it's in your Soul Path, you cannot hide from your essence. When you turn towards it as much courage and faith it requires you actually question why you took so long to turn towards it. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's just going to be given to you. What I'm saying is that it's going to be so worthwhile to come back to your truth. No one has it for you.

There's No Mentor, there's No Course, there's No Nothing that will ever give you, Your Truth.

But the Dark Goddess, she will give it to you. The only way to claim it is to go within, to have access to your truth is to have the courage, the willingness to ask and to dive in.

Life will give you people they'll give you synchronicities. It'll give you the things that you need the people that you need this the circumstances, the situations, but you have to show up for it and you have to say Yes.

I hope I have shed some light on the dark. I've anchored in some of these things that are being talked about that sometimes feel so untouchable and out there.

I hope I've grounded and made it a little bit more practical for you and if you are called to be guided into the Deeper Wisdom of your body, the Darkness and the void that can incur in the light body.

The Grounding of your Ascension process and the work that is being called to be done at this time.

If that is You.

Then I invite you to check out the Woman Wisdom Mentorship.

I invite you to check out the link below with the webinar about the connection between our desires and the Divine Feminine. Let your intuition guide you.

I trust that the Dark Goddess is holding you over lighting and overseeing your entire journey.

Let me know how this is all sitting with you if it resonates and if you'd like to hear more.

Sending you so much love,

Celeste Gluz

Dark Goddess.jpg

Shedding some Light on the Dark today with an explanation and transmission of the Dark Goddess. Hope you enjoy!

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Integrating & Processing Sexual Trauma


28. The Rose Path